Part 43 - Protasis

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The process of making this goat-blessed stollen wasn't something Y/n was particularly invested in. She and Gen were allowed to sit back and relax after walking a couple marathons in the span of two days, so she was mostly excited to try high-end bread, since it was rare for her even in the modern world. After watching the others bring in goats, berries, and assorted nuts, she got to see chef Francois in action.

They turned out to be quite a stern chef, scolding Ryusui and Senku for not kneading the dough properly, though they still seemed to be enjoying themselves. Senku was psyched to show Francois the oven he had made them, Y/n finding his excitement adorable. She didn't even realize how much she was smiling, because Gen nudged her lightly, smirking.

"Look at you, so in love~" His voice was quiet enough so that the others didn't hear him, not that it mattered. They were well out of earshot, and everyone else was preoccupied with the bread. "When are you going to confess?"

"Oh hush," Y/n waved her hand dismissively, but Gen only smiled slyly.

"Y'know, there's never a good time to confess one's feelings~ Might want to hurry it up though, I have a hunch we'll be realll busy soon. As soon as Senku and the others find the oil fields, all the focus will one hundred percent be on building the ship."

She knew Gen was manipulating her, but it was still working. The dread creeped up on her-- like vines binding her in place. Would she really not have time to tell Senku how she felt if it wasn't soon? It still felt as though there were a long ways to go... was she really running out of time?

What was more, her feelings for him just kept growing. At the moment, it took everything she had not to accidentally let something slip that would make her feelings obvious... if they weren't already. She sighed, relationships were so stressful. 

"Fine, you've convinced me... what do I do?"

"Ehhh, you're making me do all the work? I might as well just confess for you," Gen pouted, to which Y/n crossed her arms.

"It's not like I haven't thought about this at all. I just... can't decide what to do. I need a second opinion," She insisted. Gen chuckled lightly, looking all too happy to help. 

"Well, dear Senku is a very direct person... so just tell him. You don't need anything fancy~"

"How can I do that?!" Y/n's face grew hot, anxious at just the idea of telling him bluntly. "I can't just casually mention 'yeah, so I've been hopelessly in love with you for years.' That's... that's too blunt!"

"N/n," Gen looked at her seriously, his usually airy tone carried more weight. He was being genuine. "You want to know what I think? I don't think that that's too blunt for you... I think you're just scared. Scared you might lose him if things go wrong. After all, there's no way to come back from saying it how it is if he rejects, it's all or nothing."

"You're not making me feel better... and stop psychoanalyzing me, it's scary accurate," Y/n shuddered. Gen only smiled warmly before he continued.

"Just let me finish~ While those fears are completely normal, this is Senku we're talking about. What's the worst he'll do? He may reject you, sure, but I don't think he'll stop being your friend at all. You can set aside your feelings when the situation needs it, and he knows that. Because of that, he won't distance himself from you. Your feelings for him won't stop scientific progress, and that's that. You'll still be close friends, even if it is a teensy bit awkward for a while~"

Y/n thought about Gen's words. As much as she hated to admit it, he was right. She didn't mind being blunt, it was just what she was being blunt about. Above all, she valued her friendship with Senku, and if Gen could guarantee she wouldn't lose that by confessing, well... maybe it was worth it. The sinking pit of fear in her stomach lessened somewhat, and her mind calmed. 

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