Part 42 - Desire = Justice!

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"I'm saying you're right. I wanted to see how well you could lead others because... because I think you should stay here. After we leave Japan."

Y/n's eyes widened as he confirmed her fears. Everyone she knew, leaving? For possibly decades? Senku included? How... How could he ask that of her? The betrayed look  on her face was proof enough of what Senku obviously predicted: she would never agree to that.

"Before you get upset, just listen," Senku sighed. "You're the only person who I think is capable enough to hold down the fort while we're gone. We don't know what's out there, and on the chance that we don't come back, we need someone to be able to lead humanity to a bright future. Besides, it'll be helpful to keep part of the team here in Japan."

"'Hold down the fort?'" Y/n interjected, her voice wavering. She wasn't even upset at what he had said, she was angry that he hadn't seemed to learn. This situation felt very similarly to a few they had been in before, much to Y/n's dismay. "'Chance that we don't come back?' Senku, do you even hear yourself? You expect me to sit by while you go off doing dangerous shit when you know how much I hate it? I don't know how many times I have to say it for you to finally get it through your thick skull: I don't need you to protect me. I'd rather be risking my life with you than be a sitting duck driving myself insane wondering if you're still alive or not. If you can't tell me there's a good chance you and all the others will survive, then maybe you need to reconsider the importance of all of this. Maybe we don't need to find the source of petrification if it'll just kill all of us."

Senku was staring at the ground, which made Y/n feel a twinge of guilt. She knew he only did it because he cared about her safety, but she was tired of it. He needed to see how hypocritical he was being. Running off to danger while he left her behind. He didn't reply for a few more seconds, but when he did, his voice was void of emotion except for a sense of urgency.

"I'm not trying to protect you, Y/n. The fact of the matter is, we're up against an enemy who we have no information about. We don't know what this being is or if its even alive, but we do know that that is what ended humanity the first time, and we also know that this could be our last chance. So yes, we need to find the source of the petrification, and then we need to figure out how to stop it," Senku took a deep breath, this was all taking a heavy toll on him, even if he refused to show it. "If that doesn't work and we don't make it back for reasons other than being petrified, you and the rest of Japan would be our next best chance. I obviously don't like it as a solution either, but that's just how it is."

Y/n thought about that. He made some good points, but they didn't add up. She took a deep breath to calm herself down, stressing Senku out more with her emotions would just increase the burden he had to bear. The ship was still a long way from being complete anyways, it's not like they were forced to decide anything right now. Neither of them needed to be as tense as they were. That logic worked-- she was still uneasy, but she could think clearly now.

"Maybe you're right, but you've forgotten: if I am humanity's next best chance, as you so lovingly put it, who's to say I have to physically be there to guide them?" Y/n gave him a small smile, trying to be reassuring. "Books are nice because they retain information for centuries, given they're properly maintained. I'll make you a deal. I still go with you, since I clearly definitely have indispensable skills that will be of use to you, and in return I write a survival guide of sorts for the people we leave here. Containing any sciencey information you deem to be useful, as well as general tips on how to stay alive without killing each other. We have a ways to go before we actually leave, so there's plenty of time to get it on paper."

Senku stared at her a moment before turning back to face the window, exhaling with amusement. He looked more relaxed than before, and Y/n was glad the intensity of the situation had diminished somewhat.  Y/n grinned and continued.

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