41 - Leader

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"He's trusting you to take charge and lead everyone while he's gone~"

"Yeah-- Wait, what?!"

The thought kept replaying over and over in her mind for the next few days. She had felt it was odd Senku would offer to let her go with him to Ishigami village twice, but she had never fathomed it was because he was subtly asking her if she was ready to help lead other people in his absence. Every time her brain thought of it she immediately dismissed it: There was no way that that's what he meant.

Still, she found herself taking more responsibility in Senku's projects. Being the only person who could understand the majority of his ideas, she was the first to receive reports from him over the phone, and found herself looking forward to his daily reports. Almost too much.

What's more is that she quickly grew comfortable in assuming this new role: delegating tasks to the different groups was surprisingly easy, even if she was a bit shaky at first. After finding out she had de-petrified herself before Senku, most people naturally looked to her for guidance in Senku's place. Except for a small minority of things, everything seemed to be running shockingly smoothly, with some help from Gen. Her information HQ was being built quickly thanks to the effort of her workers, and it would only be a day or two until it was finally finished after almost a month of hard work.

The one of two things she despised about leading was having to handle disputes between others, mainly Yo and Magma.

While most of the village people had returned to their home, Magma was, regrettably, one of the people she had hired to help her build the library. Though he was irritable and difficult to work with, he was stronger than most of the modern people and proved to be more cooperative given there was dragos involved. That being said, he was predictable, which made him reliable.

With Yo also living in the Empire since he had been revived there, he made it a point to act like as much of a prick as possible. While with most people he was mainly obnoxious, he was an insane level of competitive with Magma, and while some times it was productive, the majority of the times it wasn't. Y/n, quite frankly, was tired of this out-machoing the two men went through on a daily basis.

Today was another one of those days. The two had been productive in starting a wheat farm that Senku wanted to provide food for everyone, so she had cut them some slack for a few weeks. When she saw them at each other's throats again, she sighed, her patience already running thin from the exhaustion of helping construction.

"Hey, you two! Settle down now!!" While Y/n normally would have had a more docile approach to the situation, she couldn't keep up the niceties at the moment, especially not with those two. Magma laughed, clearly not taking her seriously. 

That was the other thing. She hated that not everyone respected her yet to listen. Though she knew that was something she'd have to earn, it was still infuriating. 

"I'm serious, this is becoming a huge issue," She crossed her arms, glaring at the two. They were seconds from tearing each other apart, which as much as she disliked them, she couldn't have them murdering each other. "Magma, I will keep your payment for this week if you don't stop. And Yo, I've gotten several complaints from others about your behavior, do you want me to talk to Yuzuriha about your pay at the boutique?"

Although threatening money wasn't a permanent solution, it was the best Y/n could do. Even though she wasn't respected by them, she knew they cared about money. She could only hope that it would work this time.

"Hah, as if you'd dock my pay! You've threatened that three times this week and haven't done it!" Magma cackled, still not letting go of Yo, who was beginning to have second thoughts about challenging Y/n's authority.

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