Part 7 - Friends

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Hours seemed to pass in the cold rain. Taiju and Yuzuhira said nothing as Y/n cried over her friend, tears mixing with the rain. She didn't want to let him go. She still had a slimmer of hope that he would wake up. So she wouldn't let him go.

"Please," she whispered. "Please wake up."

She sobbed into his shoulder, that is, until she felt a hand on her back, patting her awkwardly. She pulled back to see Senku, crimson eyes gleaming with life. She let out another sob, hugging him again. 

"You're alive!! Oh my god, you're alive!"

Senku rolled his eyes, refusing to hug her back. "Yeah, I am, thanks to you and those two, but could you let me go? This is kinda awkward."

"You dumbass! I just thought I lost you! Let me hold you for a little longer!" Y/n sobbed into his shirt.

"SENKUUUU!" Taiju, who had been crying, joined the hug, pulling along Yuzuriha with him. He trapped them all in a bone crushing hug.

"Look what you did Y/n. Now I'm never gonna get out," Senku sighed, slightly irritated.

"Shut up! You suck!" Her voice was still muffled. Senku sighed, but smiled.

"Whatever you say..."

After a few moments, Taiju let them all go, still crying. Senku got up immediately, tired of having his personal space invaded by the other three. Y/n sighed, getting up.

"Hey... the rain has cleared...!"

"Yeah it has. Now if you're done with your mushy scene, we can all get on with our lives," Senku said, chuckling. "Those restoration abilities are no joke!"

"You kNEW?!"

"What? Of course I did. I'm not just gonna sacrifice myself like that," Senku said, bored. "I thought that much was obvious."

Saying that was a mistake on Senku's part. The usually quiet Y/n had a plethora of emotion written all over her face. Livid, apoplectic, incandescent. However one may want to describe her, fury was one of them as she started to scream at Senku, getting herself held back by Taiju so she didn't cause his death... for the second time that day.


Senku sighed and put his hand on Y/n's mouth, silencing her. Getting mad at her wouldn't resolve anything. Before Y/n could bite him out of spite, she was forced to listen to his explanation.

"Listen, it was the only way for us all to get out alive. Now you need to shut the hell up, because Tsukasa might be able to hear us from here. Berate and insult me all you want after we're long gone."

He took his hand away, and while she considered getting some more yelling out of her system, reason won, though she was still furious. After Taiju let her go, she wiped angry tears from her face and glared at Senku. "Fine. What do we do?"

Yuzuriha timidly stepped up, an animal hide in hand. "Well, I have this animal hide here that looks kinda like a rocket!"

"Not even a millimeter."

"But first, we need to take care of your neck," she said, ignoring Senku. She started tying the flag around his neck and a small tree. "We can use a tree as a splint, see?"

"I don't need one millimeter of this!"

Senku took it off, to Yuzuhira's slight disappointment. He chuckled. "I'm better already, thanks to the restorative abilities of that's stone."

Taiju laughed, "even though the petrification has caused us so much trouble, it's saved you! It's like what you said when we made soap.. and it's all the more true with petrification.. in place of a doctor, we have this stone of life.. Dr. Stone!!"

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