Part 9 - Iron Age

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Upon stepping into the storehouse, Senku was very pleasantly surprised with a huge cache of minerals. Y/n, personally, couldn't relate to Senku's excitement, so she stayed outside, and tried to start a conversation with the tall guard. 

"Heyyyy, So you're Kinrou, right? Or is that the other guy?"

"I am Kinrou, my brother is Ginrou."

"Brother?! Is one of you adopted or something? You look nothing alike."

"We are both from the same mother," he said, squinting at her. Y/n gulped. He was intimidating, even if he really just acted like an uptight student.

"I see... so your name means 'gold wolf,' huh? That's pretty cool!"


Y/n sighed, it was like talking to a rock. Ginrou came over, a sweet, innocent expression on his face.

"So you're Y/n, riiight? Are you a mysterious sorcerer like Senku too?"

"Ah... no.."

"Well, I suppose that doesn't matter much, since your beauty makes up for it," Ginrou said, a sly grin dawning on his face. Y/n groaned.

"Y'know what? I'll just go with Senku. I'd rather be bored to death with rocks."

Nooo, Y/n!! I'm sorryyyy!" Ginrou cried, clinging onto the hem of her shirt. "Don't go!"

"Relax, idiot," Y/n rolled her eyes, "I'm literally just a few steps away."

Ginrou tried to follow her, but Kinrou grabbed the back of his shirt, pulling him back.

"You have to stay and guard," he said flatly. "Rules are rules."

Y/n trotted over to Senku, who was heating up something in a pot. Y/n sat next to him, interested.

"I'm about to win over the first of our forty," he chuckled. "We just heat up some cinnabar, or philosopher's stone, and in that mercury, we mix in some gold dust..."

He mixed some gold powder in the mercury, making it shimmery. He then took the tip of Kinrou's spear, dipping it into the mixture. Kinrou stared at Senku apprehensively as he held the spear over the fire, warning him not to breathe in the smoke. Y/n watched as Senku worked, wondering if a golden spear would actually impress the stiff guard. He pulled it out of the fire, handing the now golden spear back to Kinrou.

"The glistening golden spear... is finished!" Everyone stared in awe at the reflective surface, exclaiming in amazement. Kinrou, however, wasn't all that impressed, or so it seemed.

"And what, pray tell, does this sorcery entail?"

"Absolutely nothing. It's useless. But your name means 'golden wolf,' right?" Senku grinned slyly, "It's only fitting for you to have a golden spear."

"I was afraid of that... with this pointless waste of time. And what, you thought you could buy my favor over with this?" Kinrou said, glaring at Senku. Chrome piped up.

"Kinro's a waste of time. He's as flexible as a mountain, and all he says is 'rules are rules.'"

Kinrou then examined the spear, squinting at it. He turned away, "Well... I don't see why you should go out of your way to take it off..."

Senku cackled, giving Chrome a high five. "That's one more down!!"

The day passed, and Senku spent the rest of it shut in the storehouse with Chrome. Kohaku went to take the water to her sister, and Y/n stayed outside, writing in her journal, not seeing any need to do anything else. Kinrou and Ginrou watched her apprehensively, watching her actions, which were foreign to them. Surprisingly, it was Kinrou who spoke up.

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