Part 14 - Worry

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The process of the gas masks would have to wait until the next day. Y/n stayed by the fire, jotting down notes about what she had seen that day. She heard Chrome yelling from a distance. She jogged over, wondering what the commotion was about. Chrome, Senku, and Kohaku were by a large tree. Kohaku was perched on one of its branches, while Chrome yelled at Senku below.

"'With this, it'll be okay, even if my friend dies!' I don't intend on helping out with that stupid plan!" Chrome yelled. Y/n put her hand on Chrome's shoulder.

"What the hell's going on, Google?" Y/n asked seriously. Chrome ignored her, getting closer to Senku. Y/n watched as Chrome kept yelling, trying to understand the situation.

"I won't be carrying on any knowledge for you, sorry!! Which means if you die, it's game over for science!" Chrome punched the tree beside Senku. "Which means... YOU'RE COMING BACK ALIVE, YOU HEAR ME?!"

"What the hell is going on?!" Y/n yelled, pushing Chrome back. She whirled around to Senku, recalling the time with Tsukasa. "Are you seriously going to do what I think you are?!"

Senku sighed. "You both are being illogical. I was going to pass on my knowledge of science to Chrome, that way, if the gas masks fail..."

"To hell with the gas masks! If there isn't a guarantee that you're coming back, then you're staying here!" Y/n yelled, quickly heating up. She felt impulsive and emotional. Her worry and stress turning into anger. "You told me you weren't going to do that kind of shit again! If it's too dangerous, we'll find some other way—"

"There is no other way. I told you, it's impossible—"

"Then let one of us go, dammit!" Y/n screamed. Her eyes felt wet, and her throat burned. "If it's so impossible, let someone expendable go!! Like me! Anyone could replace me! It'd be more logical, as your smartass loves to say!!"

"She's kind of right, Senku. It would be more logical to let one of us go," Chrome piped up, calmed down, "it's way too obvious you just want to protect us. We're not your kids! So don't look down on us, and definitely don't underestimate us, you son of a bitch."

"I'm not looking down or up at either of you, idiot. It's simply the most logical course. Y/n won't listen to me when she's angry, of course, but I understand the theory and principles behind the gas mask, and I know all the materials that we need to get. It's the most logical course of action."

Y/n, who had shut up once Senku called her out, spoke up, trying to keep her voice steady. "You're stupid. You can teach one of us those principles, theories, or whatever. Don't risk your life when you have two of us willing to use any information you give us. We aren't as important as you are in this battle, that's just fact."

"Yeah! Or just send the two of us! That way we can help each other out!" Chrome said, staring right at Senku. "We can handle it."

"I guess I really don't have a choice then, do I?" Senku sighed. "Damn, we'll have to make another gas mask. You two better be ready to put your money where your mouths are."

The two of them nodded. Kohaku, who had been quiet the entire time, started to talk to Chrome. Senku started walking off, Y/n following him.

"Eh? What do you want now?"

"Shut up, I just happen to be going in the same direction you are," Y/n said, looking down. She was relieved, but still frustrated. Senku walked next to her, silent. Y/n kicked a rock in anger. Senku sighed, knowing she needed to let off some steam.

"...Fine. What's wrong?"

"I'm just so frustrated! Whenever you bring up stuff like that, I get really worried," Y/n said, starting to feel vulnerable. She crossed her arms, more of a self-hug than out of frustration, "And not because our lives will be in danger, but because I genuinely care about you. I know you care too, okay? I know you get worried too, even if you refuse to show it to anyone else. But for the love of god, let us do the life threatening stuff for once. Don't protect us, because honestly? The worry and pain is so much worse. It's pretty damn selfish if you ask me."

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