23 - A Voice Sent Across Millenia

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The next morning, Y/n found herself waking up as Senku did, jolting back into consciousness when she heard his footsteps out the door. She sat up, yawned, stretched, and put on her coat to join the others. If she was honest, she wasn't glad Senku didn't say anything. The night before was one she wanted them both to forget as quickly as possible.

Once everyone was awake, the children played with the new telescope while Senku talked about tungsten a bit more, mainly reviewing things he had told them before. Y/n payed close attention, trying to focus on his words rather than last night, and for some reason, couldn't bring herself to make eye contact with him.

As Senku finished talking, Magma suddenly started smashing the rocks that the four had gathered in the cave. Y/n let out a small shriek of despair as Chrome and Kohaku yelled at Magma for going ahead without instructions, who cackled once Senku told him he was right.

"See?! I was right!"

"What if you were wrong?!"

"Anywayyys, I'm gonna take these blue crystals, science 'em like this and that, and turn them into something like toothpaste," Senku explained, running a hand through the powdered crystals. Gen laughed sheepishly.

"So, in other words, we wouldn't even understand if we asked..."

"Yup. So, this tungsten toothpaste has to be heated to at least 1000°C! The hotter it is, the stronger the filament becomes."

"So we just heat it up in glass?" Chrome asked. "This furnace goes well over 1000°"

"Are you stupid? What's gonna happen if you put a glass container in a crazy hot furnace?"

Chrome looked over at the furnace, then sighed, "It melts. So what do we do?"

"We've gotta super heat just the tungsten inside its glass container."

Kaseki and Chrome froze, disbelief crossing their faces. Senku chuckled.

"Well, I'll leave that to you two, as the next two most capable people here. Or do you need Professor Senku to help you?"

"We can handle it!" Chrome exclaimed ecstatically. Kaseki grunted and nodded. Senku grinned and turned to Y/n and Gen.

"As for you two modern folk, you'll be working in the lab with me," Senku announced as he dragged Gen, who was followed willingly by Y/n. "You both should know more about science than anyone else in this village."

"Ya think so??"

Senku proceeded to gather some materials and glassware, leaving Y/n to wait. If she was completely honest, this science experiment sounded like it'd be boring. Unless there was a crazy reaction, then Y/n would be interested. Senku set down a beaker with some kind of liquid and began pouring another into it.

"It's a freakin' long process. I'll put it into simpler terms for you both. We gotta simmer the blue jewels in sodium hydroxide, crystallize them in a mixture of shells, hydrochloride acid, ammonia, then finally, heat it, and mix it with honey!"

"Okayyyy, I totally understand, Senku darling~ honey! We cook it with honey!"

"... Chrome's gotta be ten billion times more useful than you." Senku groaned. Y/n giggled.

"No way~ No one can handle this! Except you, Senku~"

"...Is this a bad time to say I actually understood most of that?"

"N/nnnn! Not you too!"

After pulling an all nighter, Y/n, Senku, and Gen finally managed to make the toothpaste. Rubbing her eyes from the exhaustion, Y/n followed Senku and Gen out, who were relatively unphased, as they went to the science team. Once they saw the contraption Chrome had built, Senku yelled out.

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