Part 18 - Stone Wars

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"Ishigami Byakuya... is my father."

"This whole thing is so weird... Suika has no idea what's going on."

"Senku's father and his five comrades survived due to being in space... and every last one of the people in the Ishigami village... are their descendants...!" Y/n exclaimed. Kohaku blushed.

"So that means... we're all related to Senku?!"

"Kukuku. Byakuya and I aren't blood relatives, so it's just by family name. Besides, it's been centuries. We could hardly be called relatives."

From outside, some of the village men yelled at them.

"Heyyyy, what're you all doing inside?! You're the guests of honor! We're having a party down here! Join us!" They yelled. Y/n laughed.

"Shall we go to the party?" Ruri asked. "All together...?"

They ended up joining the celebration. Y/n refused to drink, as she didn't want a headache the next morning, but she enjoyed herself nonetheless. She ended up telling the villagers all kinds of wild stories from the modern world, none which they had ever heard before. She told them fairy tales, ghost stories, and eventually ended off with nursery rhymes. Her voice tired and overused after telling a bunch of stories to drunk men, she joined Senku, who was standing alone in a corner, sipping his drink. 

"Why're you here all alone? This is your celebration!" She laughed. He smiled, then corrected her.

"Actually, it's to celebrate Ruri's recovery."

"Whatever! You made that happen."

"Right. You don't seem to let me forget that, do you?"

"It's only the truth," she smiled. Ruri walked over to them, a small smile on her face.

"Y/n? Do you mind if I steal Senku for a second?"

"Ah, really? I just started talking to him. It's fine, I guess," Y/n shrugged. Senku set aside his glass and shook his head.

"Actually, priestess, it's alright. You can talk to us both," Senku said, and though he sounded and acted completely normal, his smile seemed a bit more sad. Y/n didn't object as Ruri nodded and led them out of the village, through a small path. 

"Well, I figured you'd want privacy, Senku, but I think you already know where we're going," Ruri said in a sorrowful tone. Y/n looked back and forth between them, still not having figured out what was going on. Senku nodded, much quieter than usual.

"Yeah, I do."

They reached a place surrounded by natural mossy rock walls, headstones littered around. It was a cemetery. Ruri kneeled down by one of the graves, paying her respects. Y/n realized that it was most likely Ruri's mother she was kneeling in front of, as the grave was relatively close to the entrance of the cemetery. The headstones looked more and more weathered as they went up the hill, and the pieces in Y/n's mind clicked.

"This is the village graveyard. The founder's remains are said to have been brought here," Ruri stood up, looking somber. She hugged herself, and Y/n's heart sank, "I thought you'd like to know. I'll take my leave."

She walked away, wiping her eyes. Y/n followed Senku up the hill, until they both reached the top. Y/n noticed Senku's expression, which, for the first time since she had met him... looked vulnerable. He seemed almost wistful, longing for something which he would never have again. Plaintive, nostalgic, disconsolate. She felt slightly uncomfortable, inapposite. She cleared her throat, almost having to force the words out.

"I can leave if you want time alone—"

"No, it's alright. I want you here."

His words startled her, but she nodded and stood next to him as he stared at his father's grave. She felt so out of place here. She hadn't known him in the modern world, and she certainly didn't know his father. They were both just distant people, existing in the same world she was, both blissfully unaware of each other. He sighed.

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