Part 4 - Tsukasa

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After three weeks, the wine was finally done, thought the success didn't last long. During Senku's first attempt at distillation, the pot broke, spilling all the wine they had. Though disappointed, Y/n and the two boys had to start preparing for winter, which was quickly approaching.

They gathered supplies, restarted the brewing process, and before they knew it, winter came and went. Though Y/n had once enjoyed winter, she now despised it, and once the leafy green tendrils of plants showed up, she was relieved.

With Senku's guidance, they had finished several different types of nital and began testing. After what seemed like yet another failure, Y/n stayed behind, watching as one of the nital drenched birds started to break free of its stone casing. 

"OH MY GOD! Senku, Taiju! Look!"

The two rushed back in to see the bird finish breaking out of its stone cage, flying out as soon as it got the chance.

"What mixture was that?!" Senku exclaimed, as Y/n hurriedly brought the jar with the revival fluid. "This is perfect! Now I'm getting excited!"

"Wait, so who should we revive first?" Taiju asked, the next day. Senku chuckled.

"Well, we have your grapes to thank, so you might as well be the first to choose, as long as our dear Y/n doesn't mind."

Y/n shook her head. As much as she wanted to revive Val, she couldn't take the credit. But wait! This was a historical moment, and she didn't have any paper to document it! As Senku and Taiju walked off, Y/n took a strip of tree bark and a piece of charcoal from the unlit fire. She rushed after the two boys, who were standing in from of a giant tree. Wrapped up gently in its aged branches was a young girl, who looked to be about Y/n's age. After giving Senku a confused look, he explained that this was Yuzuhira, a friend of Taiju's. She almost let out a sigh of relief. It would be nice to have another girl around. 

"So I just pour this water on her and she'll wake up, right?!"

"Yeah... in my tests, when I poured the revival fluid on the stone statues lying around, they all properly turned back into dead body parts," Senku said, swishing around the cup of revival fluid with a dark expression on his face.

"That's twisted!" Taiju exclaimed, while Y/n winced.

"Well, at least they'll be a precious sacrifice to our future. You ready, you big oaf?"

Taiju climbed up the tree, Y/n furiously scribbling on the bark. The date, the time, and the place. Though she couldn't name all of them exactly, she estimated them the best she could. Taiju froze.

"Wait, Senku!! Yuzuriha... is naked!!" He yelled, jabbing his fingers into Senku's eyes. Y/n dropped her bark, almost crying from laughter.

"There you go again with your stupid ideas. Does it really matter if she's naked? We're in the stone world! No one cares if you're flashing your bare ass or waving your dick around!"



While Y/n was doubled over with laughter, Taiju picked up Yuzuhira's statue like it was nothing.

"I'm gonna ring her back so Y/n can put some clothes on her."

"Why me?!"

"Because you're a girl! Right?!"

"That doesn't make it any less awkward!"

"Seriously... how many kilos does that statue weigh?"

"Yuzuhira isn't fat! She's not even chubby!"

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