Part 12 - Good and Evil

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"Y/n dearrrr."

Y/n's eyes shot open to see Gen hovering over her, smiling.

"Awwh, you look so cute when you sleep~"

"That's hella creepy," Y/n sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Did Senku want you to wake me up or something?"

"My, aren't you perceptive. Yes, that's exactly right," Gen sat back, still grinning. "We have a ton of work to do, unless you want to sneak off together~"

"Hard pass. What're we doing today, anyways?"

"You wound me. Someday you'll fall for me, surely~ But to answer your question, I'm not sure. We'll see what the two scientists need."

The two walked out of the storehouse, joining the rest of the group. Chrome looked at the generator, brows furrowed.

"If we don't synchronize and spin it together, it could break and fall apart," he said. Senku nodded.

"We'll need a duo with a lot of in tune stamina and strength..."

Gen popped up in between the two, grinning. "I have an idea, but I'll need Y/n's help..."

"My help?!"

"Yes, I just caaan't do it without you," He said, leaning on her shoulder. She rolled her eyes. She knew he wouldn't leave her alone about it, so she decided to give in.


"Yesss! Come here with me," Gen took her by the hand, leading her to the two guards. Y/n felt like an "assistant" from the audience of a magic show. He started waving his arms around like mad, facing Y/n. "Wow, Y/n! Electricity is sooooo amazing, isn't it?!"

"Uhh... yeahhh," she tried to play along, but she couldn't act to save her life, so her voice lacked a lot of enthusiasm.

"In our world of sorcery... there were all kinds of things that ran on electricity! Things like gold or silver spears... would be no problem to repair and make, right Y/n? Right?"

"Uhh, right." She whispered to him, "is that even possible?"

"No clue~"

"Your words really are as light as a feather, mentalist."

Y/n sighed and looked back at the guards. Kinrou and Ginrou were both excited at the idea... even if Kinrou didn't show it much. The next thing Y/n knew, they were both at the generator, cranking it at crazy speeds. Senku cackled.

"Not bad, mentalist, Y/n!"

"Hmph! Gen didn't even need my help anyways!" 

"Awww, that's not true~ you helped plenty, Y/n..."

"You still didn't have to drag me up there," she huffed at him. He laughed.

"You really are adorable, y'know..."

"Geez, can you go one second without trying to flirt with me?!"

"I'm wounded! That was a genuine compliment!"

"Uh huh..."

Senku let everyone off for the rest of the day until night, where he called everyone up from the top of the storehouse. Y/n joined him, curious as to what he was doing.

"Hold this leaf.."

"Right. What's this black thingy?" She pointed at a charred black stick, bent in a zig zag shape.

"A bamboo fiber I roasted."

"Ohh..." everyone watched as he took two wires, placing them on both ends of the filament. It started to glow, and Y/n's eyes grew wider as she saw it. The bright light of a lightbulb. It looked blinding in the pitch darkness.

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