32- All is Fair in War

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The paper airplane made contact with the tree, and all at once, there was a flash of light, and in the instant that followed, the loudest noise Y/n had ever heard in her life. It sounded like standing next to a firework as it went off. When she opened her eyes, the tree which was fine moments before was now on fire, making the air smell like a bonfire.

"Wh-What is this?!" Ginrou exclaimed, both shocked and terrified. Kinrou backed away, stunned.

"If you got caught in something like that, you'd barely look human, let alone survive!"

"The power of science laughs in the face at the 'power' of humans..!!" Kohaku exclaimed, looking Tsukasa dead in the eye.

"Kukuku, that's right," Senku said, as he, Y/n, Chrome, and Gen held paper airplanes with nitroglycerin, ready to throw them if needed. "We made it, thanks to the battle team's endurance!"

The five members of the battle team looked filled with pride as Senku said that, since it was rare that he gave compliments. Gen, with a fake power hungry look on his face, grinned.

"As of right now, our lovely little Kingdom has created dynamite⁓" Gen said in a singsong voice. "With a power of roughly... TEN BILLION MEGATON JOULES!!"

Y/n had to stifle a fit of giggles as Senku gave him a somewhat irritated expression, reminding Y/n of a strict mother fed up with her teenage son. It only made the situation more amusing.

"Ten billion megatons? What on earth are you talking about? You little liar."

"Shhh! It's a good number! Just let me do the talking!" Gen whisper-shouted back. 

"You can only be so accurate with a paper airplane, right?!" One of Tsukasa's guards exclaimed, clearly frightened. Y/n grinned. Gen just wanted to take away the spirit of Tsukasa's poor, stupid army. It was genius, she had to admit.

"Yeah, that's right! The odds of them hitting us are... Not good!" Another one tried to reassure him. 

"Well, we have something a little more accurate. Do you really want to fight against dynamite arrows?"

Y/n was shocked to see, while beaten up, a perfectly safe Ukyo with a nitroglycerin-tipped arrow aimed right at the soldiers.

"Ukyo..!!" She and Chrome yelled excitedly. Gen, with the same taunting grin, clapped his hands.

"What a shocking turn of events! That brings us to the end of the war, we win! Hooray⁓"

As the group started to come back together to negotiate, Y/n noticed Hyoga staring at the fire. She watched as he pulled down his mask, his mouth covered in several branched out cracks, ending in circles. 

"How... Utterly magnificent.." He stared at the fire with something similar to excitement, though... Not the good kind. Y/n sneered as she walked passed him.

'Get that expression off your face, you creep.'

Though, still being intimidated by Hyoga, she kept her mouth shut and joined the others. While she knew Tsukasa would make a deal, she also knew Hyoga was merciless, and because of that, likely didn't agree with Tsukasa in the slightest.

For now, she couldn't let her guard down around him. She turned to Taiju and Chrome, who were both cheering happily at their victory. Tsukasa, however, had a focused expression as he walked towards Senku, which made Y/n even more wary. While she knew Tsukasa wasn't needlessly violent, she still didn't trust him.

"Whether one knocks it away or faces it head on.. It is impossible to escape. However, everyone could get caught in the blast, and there'd be huge casualties. But you wouldn't kill someone if it were avoidable, Senku, let alone throw away human lives, including your own," Tsukasa said, analyzing the situation. Senku cocked his head to the side with a tired smile on his face.

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