Part 3 - Taiju

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Days passed, and Y/n had grown accustomed to living with Senku. If she was completely honest, it wasn't much different from her living alone. They both slept in his hut, but he got up earlier and went to bed much later than Y/n did, and he spent most of his time in the lab. Y/n would go out and gather food during the day, which she would bring back and help Senku sort out. They had a simple system going, and they talked to each other at mealtimes.

"So, once you get this revival fluid stuff, who're you going to revive?" Y/n asked Senku one day, taking a bite out of a mushroom.

"Hmm, probably Taiju. You could say he's an old friend of mine. Dumber than a rock, but he's got  a crazy amount of stamina. He could gather food for you, and you can help me in my lab, seeing as you might actually be useful."

"'Might be useful'?! What's that supposed to mean?" She pouted at him, making him chuckle.

"I mean.. how much do you know about science?"

"Enough to know that you're a jerk!"

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry. But seriously, how much do you already know?"

Y/n thought long and hard about that. "Uhhhh, I know the most about chemistry? My physics teacher really sucked, so I never payed attention in that class. But chemistry was fun. I remember stuff like calculating moles, and types of chemical reactions!"

" not very much."

"Science isn't something I ever went in depth with, so I only know what I was taught in school! Give me a break."

"Fine, fine. I suppose you'll learn more along the way. But we're too many steps ahead, we still need to revive Taiju."

"How long will that take?" She asked quizzically, crossing her arms.

"I'm not sure. I left his statue inside a cave that had nitric acid."


"It's very corrosive, so if I'm right about the mineral content of the stone, he should wake up in a few months."


"Yeah, but again, I don't really know if that'll happen. For all we know, it might just be the two of us for the rest of our lives. Revival is a fantasy at the moment."

Y/n sighed. "That... really sucks. It must be hard having the one thing you want to achieve so far out of your reach."

"Yeah, but I don't have time to be bummed out about it. I still have to keep testing different solutions. I've been using petrified birds, but so far nothing's worked. Here, come with me," Senku said, setting his food aside. Y/n did the same and followed him to the lab.

She was shocked when she walked in. The walls of the small building were lined with shelves and shelves of stone birds. In the center of the room, there was a small rock with several different liquids. Senku sat down next to it, taking some of the liquids and mixing them. Y/n watched as he did so.

"Wait, why do you want me here?"

"You have a different perspective. Might bring in some new ideas," Senku said, not looking up from his work. Y/n picked up on of the stone birds. It looked exactly like a stone carving, she would've never expected there to be a living being inside it... how did the bird even breathe trapped in there? How did Y/n breathe trapped in stone? She shook her head and placed the bird down. That wasn't something she would come to know on her own. Instead, she focused her attention back to the conversation.

"You said the substance has to be corrosive, right?"


"What about rubbing alcohol, or acetone—"

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