28 - Tank

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"With a little upgrade, this steam gorilla is going to turn into a tank!!"

"You're going to overhaul this cute little steam gorilla that I worked so hard to make??" Kaseki asked, half upset, half excited, most 100% in disbelief. Y/n could tell that everyone else was having the same thoughts.. except Kaseki.

'That's not cute at all...'

"Nope, we're just going to power it up," Senku chuckled. Kaseki went from upset to jumping up and down for joy.

"Ohh, really?! Hurry then, hurry hurry!!"

"Kukuku, hold on for just a moment old man," Senku grinned, "Let me explain first. In order to launch an attack against our enemies, we'll fortify the gorilla with heavy armor!"

"Huh? So we'll make it out of iron then?" Kohaku asked, confused. Y/n had an idea of what it could be, but it surely wasn't possible in this stone world...

"If we do that, it'll get stupidly heavy. You think it'll be able to move?"

"Then what will we use, oh smart and wise Senku⁓?" Gen asked, using an exaggerated lost tone. Y/n giggled at that. Without skipping a beat, Senku replied.


While the villagers, who only spoke Japanese, stood there confused, Y/n grinned. While Senku had made her several notebooks with paper, she had never gotten to participate in the process of making it. Now she'd be able to make her own journals. It was a fun thought in her mind.

"Ah, I see, paper. That'll make the tank nice and light," Gen responded absentmindedly before processing what he had actually said. "Wait, what!?"

"I mean, it can't be just paper, right?" Y/n pointed out. "There's gotta be something el— oh."

"Y/n, dear, you can't tell me you're actually on the same page as Senku," Gen sheepishly said, obviously feeling stupid. Y/n chuckled.

"Let's just say I have an idea of what it might be. Also, did you really just make a pun?!"


"Alright, quit messing around! This is gonna take several hours at least, so we don't have time to waste," Senku ordered. Y/n and Gen nodded before joining the rest of the village in making paper.

As it turns out, it was quite a simple process. All they had to do was crush up some plants, boil it with baking soda, wash it, then press and dry it. Y/n was in awe as she saw plants turn into mush and then paper. It was actually really fun to make, when she thought about it. To add to the fun, Y/n crushed up assorted berries and flowers in different bowls, letting the kids add them to some of the paper. By the end of it, they had several different shades of red, yellow, indigo, and green to add to the normal paper. Senku smirked as she saw what Y/n had added to the paper.

"Whattt? I thought it'd be fun to have multicolored paper for my journal," Y/n chuckled bashfully. "and we'll have a much prettier tank this way!"

"I didn't even say anything. So defensive, L/n," Senku laughed as he walked off, making Y/n want to shout after him. At the same time, however, she was already embarrassed by her childish actions. Was it stupid?

Her train of thought was abruptly thrown off a bridge as Magma started shouting about the paper.


"Senku.. are you really going to use this to protect the tank?" Kohaku asked, and for the millionth time, was both genuinely confused and concerned.


Everyone other than Y/n watched, dumbfounded, as Senku took out a thin wooden grid and placed a piece of paper on top of it, making something similar to a paper screen door. Y/n's suspicions about the shield were confirmed when Senku started to paint a glue-like substance on top of it, talking through the steps he took. Soon enough, he held up a freshly made paper shield after heating it with an iron.

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