Part 40 - And the Winner is...!

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Y/n, surprisingly enough, woke up as the sun was rising the next morning, though she couldn't explain why. Face smushed against her pillow, Y/n hesitated getting up as she lay on her stomach, her arm hanging off the edge of her bed. Shifting her head to look at the floor, she saw Senku sleeping on the spare mattress, facing her. She felt her face go red as she saw the soft, peaceful expression on his face, then looked away.


Normally, this wouldn't have flustered Y/n, but seeing as Senku got less sleep than her, she realized it was rare for her to see him sleeping so tranquilly. Despite this, it was still wayyy too early for Y/n to be awake, and after several unsuccessful attempts at falling back to sleep, she cut her losses and sat up, picking up one of her journals to continue writing one of the short stories she had left off on. 

And so, this continued for a few hours, Y/n periodically checking on Senku to see whether he was still asleep. Somehow, his presence was immensely comforting to her, and put her in a good mood as she continued to write. Soon, she heard stirring from beside her, and knew Senku had woken up. 

Glancing over at him, she saw he had sat up, his hair impossibly messier than normal. He rubbed his eyes groggily before stretching and looking at her. 

"How are you up before me? It's around 7:30, you're never up this early," His voice was slightly raspy. Y/n felt her face grow hot as he said that, then snapped out of her flustered demeanor and shook her head.

"I had the same question," She paused as the realization hit her, "Wait, do you count in your sleep?! How do you know the time?"

"I don't know why you're so surprised at that," he chuckled as Y/n sat on the edge of her bed poking the side of his face. She looked at him with curiously, as though she had just discovered a new species.

"So lifelike.."

"Eh? What the hell are you doing?"

"It sounds so realistic too... I wonder what other features it has. Fascinating," She said blankly, before she couldn't help but break character and giggle at herself. Senku rolled his eyes, but smiled all the same. 

"Very funny," He said sarcastically, standing up to put away the mat and blankets he had been sleeping on. "You and Gen have to announce the winners today, right?"

"Oh yeah, you're right," She nodded, almost having forgotten about it. Between her writing and Senku, she had been completely distracted. Honestly, she had already knew Ryusui's win was guaranteed, even if he lost the raffle, he'd still buy the title from whoever won. It made the whole event less exciting for her. In the end, her real interest was getting the library built. She had even been writing more to be able to fill a shelf or two at least. 

"Hah, have fun with that. With the craft team's hard work, we should be able to launch the hot air balloon later today," He informed her. His smile grew into an immoral grin which Y/n was unfortunately all too familiar with. "Until then, we have some time to earn some more money from our favorite sailor."

"I don't think 'earn' is the right word..."

With the two of them going back and forth about Senku's lack of ethics and his scummy desire to scam Ryusui out of even more money, Y/n found it hard to believe Ryusui was the greedy man in this situation. Eventually, the two had to part ways to work on their separate projects: Senku with his hot air balloon, and Y/n her library. 

She kept herself busy by setting up the box of tickets on the giant rock where every major announcement had been held, along with a board displaying a banner with the words "Info HQ Title Winner!" written on the top in big, bold letters. Although it was a bit flashy for her tastes, Gen had insisted the flashier she made the event, the more it would urge people to participate in the event. 

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