angel (requested)

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The sound of cries coming from your week-old little girl, Lila, woke you from your light slumber.

You looked beside you to find Irene fast asleep. Even though she usually wakes up easily, you're both lacking sleep from the long week. Since you brought your little girl into the world just seven days ago, you've obviously both struggled to sleep.

Even though she'd argue with you and tell you that you need sleep more than she does right now, you couldn't bring yourself to wake her and decided to take care of your little girl yourself tonight.

It took you a minute to get out of bed since your body still aches terribly, but you soon made it out of the bedroom and across the hall to where your little girl was crying from.

You reached for her immediately, bringing her into your arms and holding her against your chest as she cried and put her tiny hands on your shoulders with her cheek on your chest.

"It's okay now. I'm here, I've got you," you whispered softly and rubbed her back while her cries turned into little whimpers.

You fed her quickly and walked around the room to try to soothe her back to sleep. She wasn't having it though. Because every time you thought she was asleep again, you'd loosen your grip on her as you got closer to her crib and almost laid her down gently, only for her to wail loudly.

"Shh. Don't cry. You'll wake mom-"

"I'm awake," Irene said from the doorway, making you jump as you looked over at her to find her eyes tired but bright, like the smile on her face. "Sorry, baby. I didn't mean to scare you." She whispered as she stepped behind you and kissed your shoulder softly before staring down at the little girl in your arms.

She's already the greatest thing to ever happen to the both of you. She's the perfect mix of you both; with her eyes and your nose. She was perfect and Irene couldn't take her eyes off of the little bundle of joy that you finally welcomed into the world.

"She asleep?" Irene wondered, only for the little baby to cry again. "Spoke too soon?"

"You think?" You teased and held the baby tight once more.

But this time, her cries didn't seem to stop. She wasn't calming down. In fact, she was only getting fussier.

"Here. Let me take her." Irene mumbled and you carefully put the baby into her arms. She cooed and leaned down to pepper kisses across the little girl's cheeks and forehead. "You're just so perfect. My sweet little angel. I can't even put into words how much I love you."

Your heart melted as she whispered and cooed to her while she walked around the room and patted her back before she started to sing a nursery rhyme under her breath, lips close to the baby's ear as she held her and carried her with an endless amount of love.

Soon, she was sound asleep against Irene's chest, and she nearly cried over how precious the sight was.

"She's asleep now."

"Good." You whispered as you walked up behind Irene. "Wanna put her down in her crib so we can go back and do the same?"

"No." She replied. "I don't ever want to let her go."

"I know. Me neither." You said, only for Irene to sigh and gently lay your little girl back in her crib.

She backed up, thinking you'd take her hand and follow her back to bed.

But you stood in front of the crib and rested your chin down on it, watching with adoration as your little girl breathed softly and would make a soft sound on occasion.

"I know I said we should go to bed, but I have a better idea now. We should just stay here, watch her sleep all night."

Irene giggled quietly and kissed your neck as she came up and wrapped her arms around you from behind.

"You're such a great mom, y/n. I know you'd love to do that and I would too, honestly. But we're both running an hour or two of sleep and she's out like a light and it's only three am. We still have some time to sleep, too."

"I hate it when you're right." You mumbled and let Irene take you by your hand to lead you back to bed, where you crawled under the covers and she held you as you fell back asleep, knowing it was just a matter of time until you were awoken again.

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now