she won't let go when you hug her

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Standing in the middle of the airport, you couldn't believe the day had finally arrived.

After a long month and a half without Irene, she's finally coming home and you're so excited that you can hardly stand still any longer!

You tried to ignore the strangers passing by you, standing on your tallest tiptoes and looking in every direction, desperately hoping and impatiently waiting to see Irene walk through the airport and over to you.

You felt your phone vibrate in your back pocket and with the hope that it was her, you pulled it out quickly but only to find that it was nothing important.

But, when you looked up, you saw her standing still across the airport; eyes on you and frozen on her feet in shock that the moment had finally come, and she was finally home.

Snapping out of your daze, you rushed over to where she stood as fast as your feet would carry you.

At the last second, just before you were able to jump into her arms, she dropped her things onto the floor so she could hold you right once you leaped into her embrace.

She closed her eyes and smiled from ear to ear when you were wrapped securely in her arms. Legs around her hips, you placed your cheek on her shoulder and giggled against her skin as she spun you around happily.

"I've missed you!"

You felt her lips brush against your head a few times before she spoke the words back to you.

You tried to place your feet back on the ground but her arms around your back only tightened, wordlessly telling you that she refused to let go of you.

"Irene," you laughed, but you couldn't deny that there was a flutter in your heart. Because, after all, you've been apart for quite a bit and it felt good to be back in her arms again.

"Don't move." She mumbled softly. "I don't want to let you go. It's been so long. I've missed you, missed holding onto you and feeling you hold onto me." She spoke sadly. "I love you."

"I love you too," you whispered in her ear. You weren't squirming in her arms or trying to move out of her embrace in the first place, but you eventually tightened your grip on her, too; around her neck, trying to hold her as close as you could.

Though the airport was crowded and loud, everything and everyone faded away at that moment. It was only you and her; the way you feel it's meant to be.

"I won't let you go." You whispered.

"Good. Because I'm not letting go of you."

You felt the skip in her heart, and you were sure she could feel the same in yours, too.

"I'm so happy you're home! The bed feels so lonely and the house feels so empty when you're not here."

Irene closed her eyes, smile growing bigger, and brighter. "Me too, baby." She said before whispering, "look up,"

You lifted your head and right away, her forehead was touching yours. Only for a moment before she pressed her lips onto yours to lay a couple of soft, loving kisses to your lips.

"I love you." She spoke softly, gazing into your eyes as the words fell from her lips.

"Love you too. Welcome home."

She laid her head on yours and spun you around again. "I'm happy to be home again."

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now