she cheats - part two (requested)

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It was only a few hours later when you were awoken to the sound of a loud knock on the front door.

As soon as you left the house you and Irene once shared, you didn't really know where to go and who to turn to. You drove and drove and eventually showed up at Joy's front door.

You've always been close with all of the girls but you've always been closest to Joy.

She's always been a great shoulder to cry on when things went wrong and you didn't know if you could tell them to Irene.

She's always been an amazing friend and it was no different when you showed up at her door with tears in your eyes only hours ago.

You sat up against the pillows and listened to what was going on downstairs.

The house was quiet and still. It's after nine o'clock. It was dark outside and although it wasn't exactly late, you'd cried so much that you fell asleep.

You heard the front door open and immediately, you heard her voice.

It was Irene that was at the door and you heard her voice mixing with Joy's as she pleaded to see you only for Joy to tell her that you didn't want to see her.

It was what you told her when you came up to this guest room not long ago. Irene was bound to look for you and at the time, you didn't want to see or speak with her.

And you're still angry with her; angrier than you've ever been before.

As much as you don't want to see her, because you know you'll never be able to look at her the same as you did before, you have so many questions that keep running through your mind and you want answers to them.

You took a deep breath and got out of bed to go downstairs.

Your feet quietly padded across the floor as you reached the last step and made your way to the door, where Joy was still arguing with Irene to try to get her to leave like you originally wanted her to.

"Let her in." You said and they both looked at you.

Joy, being the wonderful friend that she is, was hesitant.

Although Irene is like a sister to her, she hates knowing that she broke your heart so terribly.

She was angry and didn't want her to come inside her house.

But it was your choice if you wanted to talk to her or not and she just sighed before opening the door and letting Irene in.

Irene quickly  rushed to you and went to throw her arms around you but you stepped back, your hand on her chest as you shook your head.

"Don't hug me." You said and watched her eyes fill with hurt. "I want to talk because I want answers, not because I plan on forgiving you."

She hung her head before nodding her head.

"I'll give you some space." Joy said as she walked out of the room and went into the kitchen.

You sat on the sofa and Irene sat beside you. She went to put her hand on your thigh, but you wrapped your fingers around her wrist to put her hand on her lap instead.

"Don't touch me." You mumbled. "Please."

She nodded and looked down at her lap, her heart shattering in her chest as she realized you didn't want her to touch you at all while she ached to do so.

"Why would you do it?" You asked a moment later, breaking the silence in the air. "What was so special about her?"

"Nothing." She said. "There was nothing special about her. I don't know why I did it, y/n. I wish I had a reason but I don't."

"There must've been something about her, Irene. Because you were so quick to throw us away for her."

She shrugged her shoulders.

"I just got caught up in her."

"So you stopped loving me?" You sniffled.

"No." She whispered as tears filled her eyes. "I never stopped loving you. I never will." She said,d swallowing thickly.

"You love me?"

She nodded quickly.

"I don't think you do. I don't know if you ever did."

"No, my love, I do and I always have!"

"Then why would you hurt me like this!?" You cried. "I gave you everything I had. I've always been here for you, I've always stood by you through thick and thin from the moment we first met. Then you just turn around and sleep with someone else. It hurts! How can you sit there and say that you love me when people wouldn't ever do this to people that they love?"

"I'm sorry." She whispered. "I know it was wrong and I know nothing I say will ever make it better but I'll try if you let me."

You scoffed as you stared at her.

"You think I'll forgive you? After that? Do you think you can just come here and say that you're sorry and it was just a mistake and I'll forgive you? Because I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive you."

Your words hurt her and you could see it in her eyes.

"Don't look at me that way. Do you think you're hurting? Imagine loving someone so much that you give them everything you have. Imagine planning a future with them, thinking that you'll love them forever and they'll love you forever, too. Imagine wanting to marry them and start a family with them and only wanting those things with them... and then they turn around and sleep in the bed you once shared together with someone else."

A sob left her lips.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry changes nothing. I'm done, Irene. I want you to leave."

"But, baby-"

"Don't call me that!" You yelled in frustration. "I'm not your baby anymore."

You walked to the door and opened it, nodding for her to walk out of it.

"I'll find someone to come and get my things. Don't call me, don't text me, don't come back. I'm done. I want you to leave me alone."

She got up, crying and sniffling as she walked to the door.

"I love you."

"And I loved you. But not anymore. I'll find someone else to love, and so will you. Just don't do to them what you did to me. Maybe your next love will stay with you that way."

You slammed the door after she walked out and turned the lock.

Joy walked out of the kitchen and sat down beside you.

You heard her car start before she started to drive away. Joy wordlessly pulled you in for a hug, telling you everything would be okay in time and you just nodded your head as you sniffled, hoping that she was right.

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