hickey prank (requested)

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"I'm so happy to finally be home," Irene mumbled as she entered your shared bedroom.

You reached for the remote to pause your show, more than happy to sit there and give her your full attention so you can listen to your girlfriend tell you all about the day she had.

She looked absolutely adorable with her hair pulled back in a messy bun, wearing a pair of white sweats and a fluffy sweater.

She spent the day in practice with the girls, all of them gearing up for the comeback that was just around the corner now.

"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked as she let her hair down, her long black locks flowing past her shoulders.

"No thank you, my love. I appreciate you offering to listen but I'd much rather just lay here with you and forget all about it."

You nodded and pecked her lips as she crawled beneath the covers beside you.

But the peck hadn't been enough to satisfy either of you. With your lack of quality time together lately, you miss each other. You crave each other. You crave her kisses and her touch and it was obvious that she felt the same as her lips moved passionately against yours.

She hovered over you and pulled her lips away from yours, wanting nothing more than to shower every inch of your skin with soft, sweet kisses.

But as she kissed your neck, she opened her eyes. She just wanted to look up at you, knowing by the soft sighs falling from your lips that you're feeling absolutely blissful and it's quite a sight to see for Irene.

But when she opened her eyes, she was met with marks across your skin and she couldn't help the gasp that fell from her lips.

Her shock was replaced with immense disappointment and sadness. Those marks definitely hadn't come from her. She had only begun kissing your neck and the marks were in all different spots on your skin; places her lips hadn't brushed against.

"Why'd you stop?" You groaned.

"You know why." She said and you sat up, frowning a little. "No, don't look at me that way, y/n! I know you know exactly what I'm talking about. Those hickeys on your skin! I surely didn't give them to you!"

It was as if it sank in that she'd found out, so you stared down at your lap, making her scoff.

"What? Can't even look me in the eyes?"

You didn't reply, which only left her more frustrated.

"Who gave them to you?" She asked as she folded her arms over her chest.

Again, you stayed silent.

She ran her fingers through her hair with a groan.

"Seriously, y/n? This is the path you're taking with this? You don't want to tell me? What are you going to say? That you did it to yourself?"


She rolled her eyes.

"I'm done." She said and got up to go to the closet and grab her bags to pack her things. "I'll go stay with one of the girls for a while, I guess."

"No, Irene, you can't go!" You said as you jumped out of bed.

"I can't be here with you, y/n. You cheated on me!"

"I did not cheat on you." You said before gently taking her hands into yours. "Irene, baby, look at me."

She sighed heavily before her eyes met yours.

"I would never, ever cheat on you. I love you so much."

"Then how did you get those hickeys?" She asked, both confused and frustrated.

"One second, I'll show you. Stay right here!"

"Don't tell me what to do." She grumbled as you pulled away and ran into the bathroom.

She continued tossing clothes into her duffle bag at her feet, only lifting her head when you returned.

"Look," you said, holding one of your makeup wipes up for her to see.

You brushed it across your neck, making the hickeys smear.

"It's makeup! I was just pranking you!"

A second after the confession left your lips, she rolled her eyes at you once more and let out the longest sigh you've ever heard. It was one of annoyance but also relief.

"I can't believe you." She said as you threw your arms around her. "That was cruel."

"I'm sorry. I didn't think it'd go this far. I just wanted to prank you."

She walked back to the bed with you in her arms.

She gently pushed you onto it before hovering over you again but this time, you didn't get any kisses, and instead, you got tickled.

"No, Irene! Stop it!"

"Nope." She said. "That was not cool and I'm very upset about it."

"I'm sorry!"

You were laughing. But not because you didn't mean what you said but rather because you just couldn't help it. It was torturous but at the same time, you deserved to be tickled after what you had done.

"I'm going to have to get some revenge."

"By tickling me?"

She shook her head with a laugh.

"You wish." She said and stopped tickling you before laying her forehead on yours. "No, I'll prank you back. I don't know how or when, but I will get my revenge."

"That's fair." You pouted.

She nodded with a smirk on her face before kissing your cheek lovingly, her arms around you to hold you close as she began to think of what to do in return, wanting to give you a taste of your own medicine.

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now