you fall asleep on her

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"Are you okay?" Irene whispered softly as she watched you lay your head on her chest.

Your eyes looked so heavy and every now and then, you'd let out a quiet yawn. She knows you're tired and she completely understands why. You had a long flight to get to where she and the girls are.

They've been on tour for several weeks now and the distance proved to be too hard on you and Irene.

She got permission to have you come out for the remaining couple of weeks and she surprised you with the news late last night before booking your flight for today.

Despite the long flight and the jet lag catching up with you, you find that it was completely worth it since you're secure in Irene's embrace now.

"You look tired, baby. The long flight starting to catch up to you?" She asked as she softly brushed her fingertips along your arms, watching as you nodded and closed your eyes.

"I'll be okay." You mumbled sleepily before using all of your energy to open your eyes again, finding Irene's soft brown orbs locking with yours instantly.

It felt good to be able to stare into those pretty eyes of hers again.

A little overwhelming at times, especially when you first arrived at the airport and got brought into the biggest hug you've ever shared before, but it was a good overwhelming; a reminder that you've found happiness again, a rush of it coming over you like you haven't felt in so long.

Since Irene was last by your side, to be perfectly honest.

She took your hand into one of hers. Your eyes stayed locked as hers lit up as she brought your hand to her lips and peppered a few kisses across your knuckles, watching with a flutter in her heart as you smiled at her.

"If you're tired you can sleep. Don't force yourself to stay awake."

"But I've missed you." You said before you yawned. "It's been so long since I last saw you. I've missed you ever since you left, thought about you every day. I dreamt about moments like these. I don't want to sleep yet. It's not that late, we can do stuff together."

"Okay." She chuckled. "How about I turn on a movie and we cuddle and talk about whatever you want."

You nodded and she reached for the remote to turn something on. She found a movie that she knows you love just a couple of minutes after searching.

She turned it on and then put the remote down before grabbing the blanket at the foot of the bed to pull it over you.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know." She answered and began to brush her fingers through your hair.

Even though you love the feeling, you whined a little.

"Irene, you'll make me sleepy by doing that."

"You're already sleepy, y/n." She whispered softly. "I'm just helping you fall asleep and relax."

You didn't want to fall asleep. You figured, maybe, you could fight the feeling so you could spend more time with her tonight.

But you knew, deep down, that you stood no chance. She plays with your hair a lot because it calms you down and it brings you comfort. It helps you relax. She does it on nights you can't sleep or after long and terrible days.

It was no different tonight. It's been so long since she's played with your hair, it seemed to be even more soothing than usual. She gently scratched your head and played with the strands, looping them gently around her fingers before she'd comb them through your soft, pretty locks.

"Are you falling asleep yet?"

"No. I told you, I'm not sleepy."

She couldn't help but laugh. Oh, you were sleepy. You couldn't hide that from her. You can't even find the energy to open your eyes and she could hear it in your voice - you were exhausted.

"Goodnight, baby girl." She whispered softly against your head. "I want you to sleep and rest up. I have the day off tomorrow, so we can explore the town together and eat some great foods. So, get some good sleep. You deserve it. I promise I won't let you go. You're in my arms again. I'll still be holding you when you wake up in the morning."

You just made a few soft sounds as she spoke and then kissed your head.

As much as you didn't want to fall asleep, you couldn't fight it anymore. You knew, at last, you were safe and secure in her arms. You know she'll still be right there when you wake up.

So you drifted off to sleep, comforted and content in her embrace as she kissed your head again and again. She stared at you adoringly, watching you as you breathed and slept soundly in her arms again.

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