did you miss me? (requested)

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"I'm so sorry to end our conversation earlier than usual. But I have to do a couple of things before we go on stage tonight." Irene said and you couldn't help but lower your head in sadness.

You know she has things to do since she and the girls are out of town doing a few shows.

Well, a few more shows.

She's been gone for a long and tiring two months, traveling around the world to live out her dreams with her best friends.

And you're happy for her.

You truly are.

But you miss her a lot.

It breaks your heart every time that you remember she won't be home for another week or two.

It feels like forever.

"I'll talk to you later tonight. Okay? I love you."

"I love you too." You spoke before the video chat ended.

You plugged your phone in on your nightstand and got up to go and pull on one of her shirts.

Being so far away from her for so long, it's one of the ways that you can find comfort when you can't hear her voice or see her face and desperately need something to make your worries fade away.

Her scent still lingers on her clothes just a little, although it's fading away.

You laid down in bed and turned off the lights, deciding that you might have an early night and you'd wake up whenever she calls to talk to you, after she and the girls finish the show.

But that wasn't exactly what was going to happen.

See, Irene had to let you go only because she was getting close to arriving home and she wanted to try and surprise you, and that would be much more difficult to do when she's video chatting with you.

It was about twenty minutes after the video chat ended that the car pulled into the driveway.

It came to a stop and she got out before she quietly closed the door.

She grabbed her bags and walked up the front porch steps, pulling her key out of her bag to let herself in.

All of the lights were off and since it was about ten o'clock, it was very dark outside.

So navigating her way through the house was easier said than done.

She stumbled over her own two feet and she winced when she accidentally hit her knee on the corner of the table.

She quietly took off her shoes and then pulled her phone out of her back pocket to use the flashlight to help her find her way upstairs.

She was relieved to make it to your shared bedroom, where she thought you'd still be awake and there would be some sort of light, whether that was from your phone or the tv or the overhead light on the ceiling.

But it was pitch black because you'd called it a night after shedding a couple of tears due to how much you miss her.

She could hear the soft breaths falling from your lips as you slept.

For a moment, she was hesitant to climb into bed as she didn't want to disturb your peaceful slumber.

But she couldn't wait any longer.

She turned on the light and watched you stir, a groan falling from your lips before you buried your face into her pillow.

"You're so cute," she chuckled as she stepped closer to find you curled up on her side of the bed.

It wasn't only that that warmed her heart, it was also the sight of you looking so cozy and cute wearing her shirt.

She laid down on your side of the bed and placed her hand on your back.

Her touch is usually comforting but since you had no idea that she was home, it was startling.

Your eyes flew open as you felt fingertips brushing across your back.

A shriek fell from your lips before you turned around to face her.

You watched her throw her head back with a laugh.

"Not exactly the reaction I thought I'd get."

"Irene!" You said angrily before lightly smacking her shoulder.

Closing your eyes, you ran your fingers through your hair before it all sank in.

Slowly lowering your hand, you looked back at her to find her sitting up with a bright smile on her face.

"Irene!" You said again, this time much happier than before.

You threw your arms around her and she happily hugged you back, giving you a big squeeze.

"Oh, that's my girl." She smiled. "That's the reaction I was hoping for."

You giggled against her neck as you buried your face there, breathing in her comforting scent.

"I feel as though I'm dreaming again. I swear, I've had this dream several nights while you've been gone."

Her heart nearly burst from her chest upon hearing that.

"It's not a dream, baby girl. I'm here. I'm home."

You went to give her a kiss, your lips so close to hitting hers, finally.

But then, you pulled away as a couple of things came to your mind.

"How are you back? Don't you and the girls have shows to do?"

"No. They're getting rescheduled. Some things came up and we can't perform at the places where we were supposed to for a couple of months. So, I'm home early." She explained as she brushed a lock of hair behind your ear.

"You could've told me that you were coming home!"

"I know but I wanted to surprise you." She laughed as she booped your nose. "I love you."

"I love you too."

You finally shared a sweet kiss and she couldn't help the soft sigh that fell from her lips during the loving brush of your lips on hers.

"So..." She paused when she pulled away, looking you up and down. "Did you miss me? I'm just taking a guess here since you're wearing my shirt and sleeping on my side of the bed."

"I did." You answered without any hesitation. "I missed you so much, Irene. It felt like an eternity without you."

"Oh, my love," She softly spoke as she caressed your cheek, leaning in to kiss your forehead lingeringly. "I'm home now, though. So you don't have to worry or miss me any longer. Because I'm right here and I'm not letting you go."

You hugged her again and as you placed your head on her shoulder, she laid her head on yours and held you a little tighter.

"I love you so much, Irene."

"I love you more, sweet girl."

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now