tongue ring (requested)

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"Hi, sweet girl." Irene smiled as she crawled into bed next to you.

"Hi, baby," You happily spoke back. "How are you feeling?"

"Good. A little tired but I'm feeling great. It's good to be home." She said as she closed her eyes with a contented sigh.

It's her first night back home as she's spent the last couple of months touring with the girls.

It was tiring but it was, as always, a magical and unforgettable experience.

"So are you saying you don't need to sleep? Because I have a surprise for you."

"You do?" She asked as she opened her eyes.

Staring at you as you nodded your head, her kissable lips pulled into a big and excited smile.

"What is it?" She wondered.

You've been waiting for this moment.

You secretly got a new piercing while she was away on tour.

It wasn't long ago that you got it but it's officially healed up, which is a good thing since you just know that your girl is going to love it.

"I got something done while you were away. A new piercing."

Irene furrowed her eyebrows as she brushed your hair away to see your ears.

You had nothing new there and it wasn't anywhere on your face such as your eyebrow or your nose.

She couldn't see it at first glance, so it left her a little confused.

"Your belly button?" She asked.

"Nope." You said before sticking your tongue out.

She became fascinated immediately.

"Your tongue?"

"Yeah. Like it?"

She didn't reply.

Instead, a groan left her lips before she pulled you in for a deep kiss.

She moved to hover over you as you laid on your back, relishing in every sigh and every second that her name fell from your lips.

"That's a yes?" You teased as she continued to steamily kiss you.

"It's so sexy, baby. God, open your mouth. Right now." She practically begged and that left you feeling even weaker than before.

Doing as she said, you parted your lips and her name left your lips once more as she started to play with your tongue ring.

"The sound it makes," She said, moaning a little. "That's so hot."

You knew she'd love it.

But, wow, you didn't expect her to love it this much.

You weren't complaining though.

It was hot.

"Just when I think you can't get any sexier, baby girl, you do this." She said as she feverishly kissed you and played with your tongue ring, brushing the tip of her tongue against yours. "Damn, baby, you're sexy."

You laced your fingers through her hair as your heart hammered against your chest.

You swear that you've never felt more euphoric than you do now and Irene has brought you a lot of euphoria over the course of your relationship, so that said a lot.

"This is the best idea I've ever had." You said. "You really love my tongue ring, hm?"

"Damn right I do."

A blissful sigh left your lips as she continued to play with your tongue ring, telling you repeatedly that it was sexy, just like you.

And you knew that you'd be having a lot of fun times ahead with Irene since she seems to have quite the obsession with your tongue ring.

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