"come home" (requested)

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You slammed the door behind you as you stormed out of the house.

It was so loud and so forceful that it made Irene jump, despite seeing it coming.

She was still fuming, the words you exchanged during your argument weren't exactly unforgivable or taken too far, but it was upsetting nonetheless.

You were frustrated. Your days were hard and neither of you was in the best mood, finding it hard to agree on much of anything.

It caused a stupid, needless argument to start and you screamed quite loudly at each other, and you got so overwhelmed and so frustrated that you stormed out.

But as soon as you left, all the anger and frustration faded away from Irene's mind.

She looked to find that your phone, your keys, and your wallet were still on the table. You'd forgotten all of them, which only made her more concerned.

What if something happened to you? What if she can't find you? You don't have your phone on you, she'd never be able to forgive herself if you never came back.

The reasonable part of her knew it was only a matter of time until you came back. But she couldn't help but worry as she wondered how long that would be.

She didn't know if trailing after you would frustrate you more, but she had to.

She walked out the door without a second thought.

She looked all around, trying to spot you in the darkness.

"Y/N!" She yelled for you, hoping you'd hear her and she'd be able to find you.

But she didn't hear anything back.

She didn't know whether to go left or right, but she took her chances on going right.

She pulled down the sleeves of her hoodie. The air was cold and it was starting to sprinkle a little, which only worries her more.

With every step she took she called out your name, hoping that she'd spot you or you'd call out for her.

But neither of those things happened.

She took a look around and realized the way she was heading led to the spot you often go to together when you want to enjoy a cute little date night away from the city.

It's in a park, hidden under a few trees is a little area just big enough for you both to curl up to together.

You've had picnics there, you've gone to watch the stars, you've gone to escape from the stress together.

It's your spot.

She continued walking there and she felt relief rush over her when she saw you sitting there.

"There you are!"

You jumped and turned around to face Irene when you heard her voice.

"You scared me."

"I'm sorry." She whispered as she walked to you.

She sat down beside you.

The light sprinkle had stopped already. It was quiet, nothing but the crickets chirping and the breeze swaying the branches on the trees could be heard.

That is, until, Irene spoke up.

"I'm sorry."

You slowly turned your head to look at her.

On any normal day, you'd tell her how stunning she looks under the moonlight. How she's more beautiful than every one of these stars in the sky.

You'd pull her in for a kiss and never pull away.

But you just couldn't.

"I'm sorry too." You said and she cracked a small smile.

"You had me so worried when you walked out."

"I was tired of fighting. I felt overwhelmed."

"I understand." She said as she scooted closer to you, putting her hand on your thigh.

Slowly and wordlessly, you put your head on her shoulder.

"I don't want to fight anymore. I'm not mad. I'm not frustrated. I'm not going to bring up anything that was said by either of us in the fight. We'll put it behind us if that's alright. I just love you. I don't want to be mad anymore."

You nodded and, for the first time that night, you smiled.

"I love you." You said.

"I love you too, baby." She said before kissing your shoulder lovingly.

"We can put it behind us, right?"

"If you'll come home with me, then absolutely." She said, her voice soft, just like her eyes as you turned your head and locked your gaze with hers.

"There's nowhere else I'd rather be." You confessed and she kissed your cheek lingeringly as she closed her eyes and thanked her lucky stars that everything was okay.

You started to shiver a little as the breeze picked up.

Irene quickly pulled off her hoodie and although she was only in her tank top and she was already feeling chilly, she didn't care at all.

She'd happily deal with it if it meant you not being cold.

"Can we go home?"

"Absolutely." She smiled and pulled you up, letting you lay your cheek on her shoulder as you began to walk home.

"Everything's okay now... right?" You asked and she stopped walking.

"Look at me." She whispered and watched you lift your head to look at her.

"Everything is okay. We're okay. Everything is always going to be okay, baby. We'll always work things out, no matter what."

You nodded and kissed her lips softly, pulling away with a smile on your face just a few seconds later.

You know she's right.

You know you'll always find a way to work things out.

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now