I've got you (requested)

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"I love you lots," Irene spoke in your ear before kissing your cheek. "Have sweet dreams, my love."

"I love you too. Sleep tight, babe." You said as she turned off the light and laid her head on the pillow before she began to drift off to sleep beside you.

At first, you pretended that you were about to do the same. Irene knows you had a rough day and you told her that you were exhausted and wanted to go to bed earlier so you could get some sleep.

But that's not what you truly wanted.

You're not actually that tired.

You just wanted to get into bed so you could let a few tears fall from your eyes.

You needed to let them out of your system, as you've been bottling everything up throughout this terrible day.

Your bottom lip trembled as you closed your eyes, feeling a couple of tears stream down your cheeks as you thought back to everything that happened today.

Your emotions got the best of you and instead of just a few tears falling, you began to sob.

Irene wasn't sleeping deep just yet so when she heard the sob fall from your lips, she instinctively opened her heavy eyes to comfort you.


You jumped when you heard her voice come from beside you.

She gently placed her hand on your back and began to soothingly rub it, which only made you want to cry more.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were awake."

"Is everything okay?" She asked and you swallowed the lump in your throat and tried to keep your voice from trembling as your tears continued to fall.


But you were unsuccessful.

She heard the crack in your voice and despite being sleepy, she scooted closer to you so she could pull you into her arms.

"You're lying."

You tried to stop yourself from falling apart but she kissed your shoulder and pleaded with you to open up and tell her what was wrong and you couldn't help but cry again.

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"I'm just overwhelmed." You sniffled.

"Your day was that bad, my girl?" She softly asked you and you nodded your head, causing a sad sigh to fall from her lips.

She knew your day was pretty bad. You told her a little about it, just not everything.

So she wasn't all that surprised to see you falling apart now, especially when she knows that you tend to bottle everything you feel up until you're too overwhelmed and have no choice but to let everything out.

For some reason, you believe that you'll just bother people by telling them about how you feel. That you'll come off as annoying or bring people down and that's the last thing you want.

Irene knows you know that can never happen with her but, nevertheless, she understands that you didn't feel like opening up about everything you were feeling until now.

"I didn't mean to wake you. I just needed to cry."

"Baby, that's okay." She assured. "If you need to cry, then cry. There's nothing wrong with that."

Her sweet response only encouraged you to cry harder and as you did so, she let you bury your face in her shirt and cry into the soft fabric.

You found comfort in her embrace and her scent and the loving words she was speaking as she held you and let you cry out all the tears you needed to.

She didn't judge you and she didn't rush you. She simply let you let out all the tears and emotions you needed as she held you close.

"It was so bad." You sniffled.

"I know it was, baby girl. But it's over now. That bad, awful day is all behind you now. When you wake up, it'll be a new day. A better one."

"I hope so."

"I know so." She whispered, kissing your head. "I've got you now though. You can keep crying if you need to, my love. But just know that I'm here. That day is over with. Soon, it'll completely fade from your mind. You'll find yourself smiling soon, those tears will be all gone."

You nodded wordlessly, already feeling like cracking a tiny smile through your tears because she was making you feel oh so loved and making everything better, as she always does.

"You know how much I love you, right? And how much it means to me that I can always turn to you when I feel like I don't know who else to turn to?" You asked.

"You know I feel the same way about you, baby." She said as she continued to rub your back. "Do you want to tell me about your day some more? Is there anything you haven't told me that you need to get off your chest? I'll listen."

"I know you will." You said before shaking your head. "But I'm okay. I just want you to hold me and talk to me right now. I'm feeling a little better but I just need to stay in this moment with you for a little longer."

"That's what we'll do. For however long you want, baby girl. I'm here with you and I'm not going to let you go." She promised and kissed your head a few times, continuing to hold you tightly as you let a couple more tears fall and forgot about this awful day you'd had.

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