she takes care of you when you're sick (requested)

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The sound of the front door opening and closing took Irene by surprise. She looked at the clock on the kitchen wall, noticing that it was still early afternoon. She was about to call out for you when she heard the sound of your voice.

Setting her water bottle on the counter, she rushed out of the kitchen and into the living room. She wasn't prepared for what she was met with, which was the sight of you looking so sick.

You were clutching your stomach a little and the way you sank your teeth into your lower lip told her just how badly it ached. She put her hand on your forehead when she stood in front of you, feeling your feverish skin against her hand.

"You're burning up."

"I feel terrible." You whined and dropped your forehead onto her shoulder, breaking her heart. She rubbed your back and kissed the crown of your head softly before pulling back.

"Give me one second and then we'll go up to bed."

You nodded, allowing her to rush into the kitchen to grab the water she once grabbed for herself but now planned on giving you instead. She put her hand on the small of your back as you slowly took the stairs.

You sat on the foot of the bed, watching as she went to the closet and grabbed you one of her shirts to throw on so you could be more comfortable. She sent you a sad smile when it was over your head after a moment of struggle when it was hard to move your aching muscles.

"Okay. Wanna lay down now?"

You were about to scoot up to the headboard when you suddenly felt your achy stomach turn. Groaning, you jumped off of the bed and rushed into the bathroom as fast as possible. Making it just in the nick of time, you held your hair out of the way as your stomach started to empty. Until, only a few grueling seconds later, Irene knelt down behind you and held your hair for you while she rubbed your back soothingly with her other hand.

"I think you've got the flu." She mumbled sadly when you stopped throwing up. She grabbed a hair tie off of the counter and tied your hair into a messy bun before laying a few kisses on your neck.

"I feel awful."

"I know you do, baby. I'm sorry." She spoke softly and continued to rub your back while you caught your breath and tried to find your strength.

"I wanna go to bed. I'm tired."

"Okay." She nodded in agreement, knowing sleep would be the best thing for you right now, anyway. "Think you can brush your teeth first? I'll help you stand up, I'll keep you steady."


You stood on your shaky knees, leaning on her as she helped you to the sink. You brushed your teeth quickly and paid extra attention to your tongue where the gross taste lingered. You rinsed your mouth out a few times and then dropped your forehead onto the cool counter.

"C'mon, baby. Let's get you to bed."

You only made it there because of Irene. Had it not been for her holding you and helping you walk, your knees would've given out with how shaky and weak they felt.

You crawled into bed and Irene quickly passed you the water bottle on the nightstand.

"Drink some of it, but take slow sips."

You drank a few sips, relishing in the relief the cold water gave your sore throat. You fell back into bed and finally closed your heavy eyes. You only opened them when Irene tucked the blankets over you, right up to your chin.

"Can you cuddle me?"

"Of course. Just give me one second, okay?"

You whined, trying to reach for her but she walked away too quickly. Your eyes closed again and you soon felt a cool cloth resting over your forehead. It was blissful, bringing you a little relief.


"Yeah. Thank you."

She nodded and climbed into bed beside you. She let you have the blankets though, knowing that you needed them to stay warm.

"Do you need some soup or something?"

"In a little while. I just wanna sleep for a while. Want you to hold onto me."

She put her hand on your side and kissed your warm cheek softly before brushing her fingers through your hair.

"I'm right here. Get some sleep."

"Love you."

She kissed your cheek once more and watched you drift off into a peaceful slumber before saying, "I love you more. Feel better soon, baby girl."

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now