cuddling after being intimate (requested)

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Your heart continued to race against your chest as Irene peppered a few kisses across your face.

Kissing her way back to your lips, she laid a few more loving kisses against them.

You were breathless but you didn't care and you didn't hesitate to kiss her back, continuing to bask in the warmth you felt from her soft lips on yours and her bare skin against your own.

She sent you a loving smile before she laid down beside you.

You watched her eyes close as she took a moment to catch her breath.

"Are you okay?" You asked as you lovingly kissed her jaw.

"Are you kidding? I'm so great, baby." She grinned.

You chuckled over how cute she looked as you both continued to come down from the clouds.

It's been a crazy week but you both finally have a little time off and you can't think of a better way to start your time off together than like this.

"How about you, baby girl?" She asked as she pulled you into her arms.

Her fingertips brushed gently across her back as your eyes stayed locked with hers.

She makes your heart leap.


"Good." She said before giving you another sweet kiss.

One of your hands gently fell against her cheek as her lips moved against yours and, despite sharing so many kisses tonight during the moments of bliss and intimacy, you still feel as though you can't get enough of her.

"I love you so much, baby." You whispered.

"I love you more. Now, give me some cuddles."

You curled up to her and placed your head on her chest with a sleepy and contented smile.

Irene brushed her fingers through your hair as she gazed at you adoringly.

"I love being so close to you." She whispered.

"Me too. I've missed spending time with you."

"Well, we have lots of time to spend together over the next few days." She said.

"Yeah?" You asked as you opened your eyes, smirking a little. "That gives us more time to do this."

She giggled happily and kissed your head as you closed your eyes once more.

"Absolutely." She said. "Honestly, if you weren't so tired, I'd stay up all night just being intimate with you. Loving on you," She paused as she kissed your bare shoulder. "Kissing you, holding you, touching you."

You breathed out a soft sigh as she pulled you a little closer.

"But you're tired and so am I. It's been a crazy week. We'll get some sleep first."

"Okay." You sighed, knowing she was right.

You couldn't argue with her because your eyes felt very heavy and her warm arms were keeping you warm and secure enough to get some rest.

She continued to brush her fingers across your back as you drifted off to sleep in her arms as you kept your head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat in your ears.

"I love you lots." She said, thinking you'd fallen asleep already.

She yawned and closed her eyes once more, ready to fall asleep and stay just like this with you for the rest of the night.

"I love you more." You sleepily replied.

And Irene's lips tugged into a big and bright smile as she continued to fall asleep, happy and cozy with you so close to her.

She was ready to cherish these next few days off with you to the fullest.

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