praising you (requested)

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You melted over the soft brush of Irene's fingertips against your skin and the kisses she was placing on your neck.

You were putty in her hands already, though the makeout that you're sharing only began a few minutes ago.

You tilted your head back with a blissful sigh as she kissed that one spot on your skin that makes you weak in the knees and your heart soon started to race.

"Irene," You moaned and she looked up at you, knowing there was something that you wanted.

"Yes, sweet girl?"

"Praise me." You practically pleaded.

You watched a smile pull at her lips.

"You want to be praised, my love?" She asked as she moved back to kiss your lips lovingly. "I'm more than happy to do that for you."

Your fingers started to shake as you anticipated the words of praise that would fall from her lips.

"Tell me, angel. Are you mommy's good girl?"

"Yes," You replied instantly. "Yes, I am, mommy."

She smirked as she kissed your jaw.

"Good girl." She said. "You know you have the prettiest, most kissable lips? And the most perfect body."

Your back arched slightly over her words and the brush of her fingers against your thigh.

"Just like that, darling." She said.

You were melting, every word driving you wild and making you feel needy for her.

"You have no idea how much you turn me on." She spoke as she trailed kisses to your chest, pulling your shirt down slightly to expose your skin. "Let me hear those moans, baby. Your moans are so adorable."

You let them fall from your lips, along with her name, and she couldn't help but smile as her heart hammered against her chest.

"You're such a dream." She spoke as she kissed your body. "My pretty girl."

You were in such bliss with your head thrown back and her name constantly leaving your lips.

It was only when she decided to pull away to tease you a little that you snapped out of your blissful state.

"Irene," You whined.

"What? Does mommy's girl want to be praised more?"

You quickly nodded your head and took her hands into yours.

"Okay, angel. Whatever you want." She said as she stared into your eyes as she kissed your chest. "My good girl."

You closed your eyes and melted into the delicious sensation that only she could bring you.

And Irene just smiled to herself, knowing that this night was only just beginning.

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now