one of the girls walk in on you making out (requested)

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"So how was your flight? Good, I hope." Irene said as she walked up behind you and put her arms tight around you, holding you so close that your back was against her chest as you unpacked your suitcase.

"Yeah, it was pretty good. Tiring but good."

She nodded and dropped her chin onto your shoulder. She brushed her lips along the back of your neck lovingly. She gathered your hair in her hands and found herself brushing her fingers through the strands.

But soon, she put it all on the left side of your neck and leaned in to kiss the other side. Her lips brushed along your soft skin, kisses soft and slow as she took her time to let them travel along your skin.

You found yourself tilting your neck to the side, so she could have more access to your skin. The clothes that were once in your hand fell onto the floor as you melted into her kisses.

"Missed you." She whispered against your skin before she gently turned you around.

She didn't even give you the chance to repeat the words back to her like you so wanted to. Because she quickly pushed her lips against yours, and she didn't hold back.

Her lips moved passionately against your own right off the bat. You looped your arms around her neck to pull her closer. As her lips continued to move against yours, you felt your knees beginning to grow weak.

You didn't have to even tell Irene, though. She was already walking around the bed and gently dropping you onto the mattress before she crawled onto you.

She cupped your cheeks and continued to kiss you feverishly. But despite the steamy kisses, you could still feel the love pouring out of her from the way she caressed your cheek, and it made your heart melt.

She pulled away from your lips and your breath hitched when she began to trail her kisses along your neck instead. You sighed softly before lacing your fingers through her hair and tilting your head back.

Instinctively, she kissed her way to your neck and throat. Her teeth sank into your skin, leaving little marks wherever she desired, even down to your collarbones.

You felt her hand slip beneath your shirt. She took a moment to caress your soft skin with the tips of your fingers before she moved them down to your thighs.

She whispered words of love against your skin as she trailed her kisses back to your lips. You found yourself rolling her onto her back so you could give her some love, too.

You wanted to kiss every inch of her skin as she did yours, leave a little love bite here and there where she could easily cover them up so no one would see them when she was doing press and performing.

But you didn't even get to kiss your way down her jaw. Because as soon as you detached your lips from hers, you heard the hotel room door swinging open.

You and Irene quickly turned your heads to see who it was and found Joy standing there, looking as shocked as the two of you.

"Joy?" Irene groaned. "What's up?"

"oh, uh," she paused and shook her head to try to think of what she was gonna say. She was so shocked she could hardly remember. "Did you want to join us for a meal and maybe some adventuring around the city here?"

"Sure. Give us forty-five minutes? There's something I have to do before I can tag along." You said and she nodded before hurriedly making her way to the door. But she turned back to look at you both before she opened it.

"Maybe you should put the do not disturb sign on the door next time you decided to make out." She teased and walked out of the room.

When you looked back at your girlfriend, she was frowning at you.

"What is it?"

"I didn't want to stop yet, you know?"

You smirked before pushing your lips back onto hers.

"I know. Why do you think I told her to wait forty-five minutes, baby?" You teased and started to kiss her jaw softly. "I'm not ready to stop yet, either. I love you and I've missed you too much."

She just grinned happily before she hooked her fingers under your chin and brought you in for another passionate kiss.

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now