the first time you stay the night

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The soft whisper of Irene's voice in your ear and the gentle brush of her thumb caressing along your cheek made you stir from your deep, peaceful slumber. Your eyes slowly opened, immediately locking with her beautiful ones. She leaned down to brush her lips against your forehead, letting them linger on your skin for a moment.

"What happened to the movie?"

Irene chuckled before saying, "It went off a couple of hours ago. You fell asleep right on my lap. I thought you'd wake up before it finished so I kept it on all the way until the end but it's been over for a while now."

You groaned and slowly sat up. "Sorry I fell asleep. I've just been so busy lately."

She was about to tell you that it was perfectly fine and she understood completely when your eyes suddenly went wide upon seeing the sun had set long ago as you peeked outside the window.

"What time is it?"

"Almost midnight," Irene replied casually, while you were starting to reach for your shoes. "Wait. Where are you going?"

"Home, babe." You said, sliding one shoe on. "It's almost midnight and I need to get home before it gets too late."

You reached for your other shoe, only for Irene to grab it and hold it out of reach.

"No." She said. "I want you to stay. You're exhausted, I can tell."


"Please? I've been wanting to ask you for a while now and this is the perfect night. Neither of us has anywhere to be tomorrow. I can tell you wanna go right back to sleep and I don't want you going home this late on your own when you're so sleepy."

You couldn't argue even if you tried. Besides, why would you? Passing up the opportunity to stay the night with Irene was something you've both been wanting, judging by her confession.

"I'd be happy too." You said and slid your shoe right back off and Irene dropped the other one onto the floor. She turned the tv off and stood up before holding her hand out for you to grab.

"C'mon, my love. Let's go to bed."

You nodded and followed her up the stairs, your hand wrapped in hers the whole time.

Upon reaching the bedroom, you sat at the foot of the bed and watched her head for the closet. You felt a hoodie fall onto your lap a moment later, Irene letting out a chuckle when you looked up at her in surprise.

"I know you love that hoodie so you can wear it tonight. I want to make sure you're warm enough."

Your heart melted in your chest, butterflies appearing when she smiled that beautiful smile at you. You started to change out of your clothes while she went into the bathroom to get ready for the night. You slid her hoodie over your head and took a moment to bask in the warmth and comfort it always gives you.

You climbed up to the pillows and fell back onto the bed. You were so exhausted that you almost fell asleep. Irene came back out of the bathroom, a few words on the tip of her tongue that just faded away when she saw you laying with your eyes closed.

She tiptoed to bed and turned off the light. She jumped when you wrapped your arms around her and pulled her onto the bed beside you.

"I thought you were asleep." She giggled.

"Almost. But I want to be held while I'm sleeping."

She rolled her eyes playfully, kissing your forehead when you curled up in her arms.

"I love you." She whispered, thumb brushing along your lower lip. "I'm so happy you're here with me tonight."

"You and me both. I love you, Irene." You spoke and closed your eyes when her lips met your own. They stayed closed when she pulled away though, too tired to open them again.

She pulled the blankets over the both of you. She tucked you in, watching you crack a small, sleepy smile when you were cozy under the blankets.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, baby." She whispered and laid beside you. "Have good dreams and sleep well."

"You too, Irene. Goodnight." You whispered before falling asleep in her arms, leaving her awake with a smile on her face that just wouldn't seem to fade away.

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