you want her attention

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You let out a sad sigh as you heard the clicking of the keyboard once more. Looking away from the movie yet again, you noticed that Irene seemed to be more into her phone rather than the movie you've been waiting to see with her.

Reaching for the remote, you hit pause and scooted closer to your girlfriend. "Irene?" You tapped her shoulder and she hummed to let you know she was listening, but it didn't really feel like she was.

"Irene? Are you okay?"

She looked over at you and gave you a nod. "Just fine. Why do you ask?"

"I thought maybe you were bored. You haven't looked away from your phone in a good twenty minutes and I didn't know if you've lost interest in the movie."

She shook her head and looked back at her phone.

You whined when she turned away from you yet again. She chuckled when you dropped your head to her shoulder and moved into her arms, desperate for her attention.

"I've been waiting to see this movie with you. I've missed spending time with you and it's kind of important to me." You mumbled sadly. "But if you'd rather finish it later or something, we can..."

She locked her phone and put her arm around you. Smiling down at you, she laid a soft kiss to your forehead. Her lips lingered for a moment and she brushed her fingers along your arm.

"No. I promised that we'd watch it together and I'm not breaking that promise. I love you too much to do that to you. Not to mention the fact that I've missed spending time with you, too. I know I got a little distracted there for a bit but no more. I promise."

Your eyes lit up and you kissed her cheek before hitting play again. Your head fell to her chest and her arms wrapped around you. Your heart felt just as warm as hers did and your smile was just as bright.

"Love you so much," she whispered in your ear.

"Love you too."

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now