sitting on her lap while doing your makeup (requested)

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"There's my pretty girl." Irene smiled as you walked back into the bedroom. "I thought you left me." She joked.

"Not at all, baby. I was just brushing my teeth and grabbing my makeup." You said before going over to sit in front of your mirror.

"Why don't you do that over here?" She asked as she patted her lap.

"Okay." You replied as you grabbed your hand mirror and walked over to the bed.

You sat down on the mattress only for Irene to playfully roll her eyes and pull you onto her lap.

"Much better." She said before gently pulling your hair away from your neck to softly kiss it.

You giggled as you began to pull out your makeup products and brushes before you began to do your makeup.

Irene put her chin on your shoulder and watched you brush the eyeshadow across your eyes.

"That's such a pretty color on you. Everything looks pretty on you."
She whispered.

"Stop it, you're going to make me mess up." You laughed as she kissed your shoulder.

"Sorry, sorry." She giggled before she continued to watch you with a loving gaze.

You took your time applying the makeup across your face and cheeks and you saw Irene staring at you in the mirror in your hands.

Your heart melted upon seeing how soft her eyes were and how they were so full of stars already.

"Are you going to stare at me the whole time?"

"Yes. Every chance I get, for as long as possible. For the rest of my life. Because I love you." She whispered and kissed your head.

"I love you too." You said as you finished putting the makeup on your cheeks.

You reached for your lip gloss, deciding to use that instead of lipstick today.

You put it on your lips and you watched Irene brush her tongue across hers as you became completely irresistible to her.

"God, I want to kiss you so badly," She spoke.

That was the last of it; you'd finished applying all of your makeup and now that you were done, Irene just couldn't help herself.

Turning you around, she cupped your cheeks and kissed your glossy lips, causing a sigh to leave her lips as they moved against yours.

She slowly pulled away a moment later with a smirk on her face.

"I just couldn't help myself. You have the most kissable lips and they look so good with your lipgloss on, making them even more kissable. You're so pretty, baby. I can't help myself."

"I'm not complaining." You said before kissing her again.

"You're the prettiest girl in the whole world." She said as she began to kiss your neck. "With makeup and without, you're gorgeous."

You melted and closed your eyes as her lips brushed softly against your neck and your heart fluttered.

She makes you feel like the happiest and luckiest girl in the world.

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now