finding out that you're subscribed to only her bubble (requested)

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"Baby? Can you see who that is?" You yelled to Irene from inside the kitchen.

Irene was sitting on the sofa and your phone had chimed a few times with text notifications from someone.

You'd usually check them yourself but you're making dinner for you and Irene to share after the long day she'd had.

"Sure, baby!" She answered.

She knows your password, it's her birthday.

You have nothing to hide from her so you don't mind her knowing your password.

Or, at least, so you thought.

"It's your friend. She wants to know if you want to hang out tomorrow afternoon?"

"Can you text her bank sure for me?" You asked.

"Absolutely." She replied and sent the text to your friend just as you politely asked her to.

She closed out of your messages and went to lock your phone when something on your phone screen caught her attention.

The official bubble app.

She couldn't help but wonder if you were subscribed to someone on there and if you were, who?

She opened it up, occasionally looking up from your phone to see if you were coming into the room.

She wasn't sure what she expected to see but what she saw was that you were subscribed to only one person - her.

She didn't see any of the other members in your subscriptions and she didn't see you subscribed to any other group or their members.

Only her.

She smiled to herself as it sank in that you don't follow anyone but her.

It was really sweet.

"What are you doing on my phone still, baby? Did she text some more?" You asked as you stepped into the room with two plates of food in hand.

"No." She smirked. "Just checking your bubble."

You went wide-eyed.

"You're only subscribed to me, huh? That's so cute!"

"Give me that." You said as you took your phone out of her hand.

She giggled and picked hers up.

Snapping a photo of the plate of food on the table in front of her, she smirked to herself and decided to post it on her bubble.

"Look what my girl did! She made us dinner. Doesn't it look delicious? I'm so lucky." She captioned it before hitting post.

Thankfully, your relationship is public.

There are ups and downs to that, of course.

But for things like this, it's good that it's public because she likes showing you off as well as all the things you do for her, just because you love her.

"I found out today that my girl is subscribed to only me! Just me, no one else!" She bragged.

All this time, with how close you are to the girls, she figured she'd find you subscribed to them too.

But nope, just her.

"Lucky me 😉 not anyone else, just me!"

"Irene," You groaned as you read what she posted. "What if the other girls see that and their feelings get hurt?"

"They'll be fine." She insisted as she pulled you closer. "They won't be bothered by it... much."

You rolled your eyes at her.

"I think it's so cute that you're only subscribed to me. Because you're my girl, only mine."

You laughed as she kissed your forehead lovingly.

"I want the whole world to know that."

"I love you." You smiled.

"I love you more." She said before giving you a few kisses on your lips.

You both grabbed your plates and started to eat as you rested your head on her shoulder, so happy and so lucky that you were all hers and that she liked showing that off so much.

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