she can't stop kissing you (requested)

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A sigh of happiness fell from your lips as you snuggled closer to Irene.

She was gently brushing her fingers through your hair as you cuddled in bed with a show that you've both been binge-watching lately playing on the TV.

These are the moments that mean the most to you, the ones you find yourself living for more than anything.

When you have Irene all to yourself; to hug, to kiss, to find comfort and strength in.

It's been a rough week but being able to have some quality time with her made it all so worth it.

You were so warm and so comfortable in her embrace that you almost drifted off into a light slumber.

But Irene noticed how quiet you were and she chuckled a little as she gazed at you.

"It's only nine and you're falling asleep on me already?" She teased.

"No." You said as you opened your eyes and stared up at her. "I'm just cozy."

"Me too." She whispered as a bright smile pulled at her lips.

She leaned in and pulled you in for a soft, loving kiss.

Her warm lips felt so perfect against yours and you found yourself melting into her and wishing that she would never pull away.

You reached up and gently combed your fingers through her hair, tugging at the strands just enough to cause a soft sigh to leave her lips.

She pulled away a second later and smiled at you as she cupped your cheeks in her hands.

"You're so beautiful." She said.

"So are you, baby."

"I've missed you so much." She whispered as her heart swelled with love for you.

Staring into your starry eyes made her heart melt.

She truly has missed you.

You are her entire world.

Her heart was so full of love and she found herself unable to hold back from expressing to you just how much you meant to her.

She leaned in and began kissing across your face, causing a giggle to fall from your lips.

"Irene," You laughed as she kissed every inch, making sure she didn't leave a single spot untouched by her sweet lips.

When she was done kissing your face, she put her lips on yours again to kiss you softly.

She didn't pull away as fast as she had when you'd kissed before.

This time around, she just couldn't stop kissing you.

She found herself wanting to feel your perfect lips against hers and never pull away.

While other people needed air to breathe, Irene felt as though she needed your kisses.

She could feel her heart racing in her chest as you smiled against her lips.

"Irene?" You giggled. "Are you going to pull away anytime soon?"

"No. Never." She said as she continued to kiss you obsessively.

You wrapped your arms around her neck as her hands fell to your hips, pulling you even closer to her.

"I can't stop." She whispered. "I've missed you, I love you. I never want to pull away or let you go."

Now, your heart was starting to swell as you found yourself wanting the same thing and wondering how on earth you had ever gotten so lucky.

You pulled away a few seconds later, in desperate need of getting a few breaths of air into your lungs as she put her forehead against yours.

But she wasn't done; not even close to it.

She moved to lay over you and began to kiss your jaw, your neck, your collarbones, and your chest.

You sighed softly as she lifted your shirt and began to brush her soft lips against your stomach.

You were addicted to her kisses and you anticipated even more of them.

"So pretty, so soft, so perfect." She said. "I'm so in love with you."

"I'm so in love with you, baby." You said.

"Can we just spend the night like this? I just want to kiss you all night." She mumbled as she kissed back up your body, all the way up to your lips.

"I'd love that." You grinned before she kissed your lips once more.

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now