your mom calls you by your full name in front of her (requested)

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Irene watched with a bright smile on her face as you played around with your siblings.

You and Irene came to your parent's house for the weekend and she's loving seeing you so happy.

She knows how much you've been missing home and your family, especially your siblings.

So being here is making the both of you happier than you've been in a while.

"Do you need any help?" She asked your dad, who was cooking dinner.

"Thank you for asking! But no, I've got it. It's actually done." He said and Irene's mouth was practically watering over how good the food looked.

"It's time for food, everyone!" Your mom called out. "Y/N, guys, come on!"

So occupied with playing around with your siblings, you didn't hear her call out for you or them.

"Y/N!" Your mom yelled out, only for your laughter to be louder than her voice.

Irene shook her head with a smile, finding it adorable how caught up with your siblings you were.

"That's it." She said before huffing.

And the next thing Irene knew, you were being called out by your full name.

Her eyes went wide as she heard your full name leave your mother's lips.

But no one was as wide-eyed as you.

You rolled over on the grass and gazed across the yard at your mom.

"Y/N, I said come on! It's time to eat." Your mom said as she folded her arms over her chest. "Don't make me call you by your full name again."

You got up and hurried across the yard to Irene, who had burst into laughter.

"Mom, I'm not a kid. You don't have to call me by my full name, especially in front of my girlfriend."

"It worked though, didn't it? It got your attention? I know it did, it always does." Your mom smirked.

Irene put her arms around you to hug you from behind, an amused smile on her face.

"You have such a cute name."

"It's embarrassing." You whined as she playfully booped your nose. "My mom has never done that before."

"Well, I think it was funny." She laughed. "Besides, now I know how to get your attention. All I have to do is call you by your full name."

"Please don't." You groaned.

"Works every time." Your mom proudly grinned as you buried your face in Irene's neck.

"That's very good to know." She said with a smirk, laughing as you shook your head in embarrassment.

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