first kiss (requested)

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"Aren't they so pretty?" You asked Irene, so awestruck over the stars in the sky.

For your second date, Irene suggested stargazing. It sounded like fun and since she's been busy lately with work, you're happy to do whatever with her. All you want is to be with her.

You were so busy staring up at the sky that you didn't notice Irene looking away from the stars and gazing over at you instead. It warmed her heart how fascinated you were and how happy you seemed.

"The stars are pretty, y/n," she started to say, sending you a smile as you turned your head to look at her. "But you're prettier, much prettier."

Your cheeks were warm as you laughed and moved across the blanket till you could lay your head on her shoulder. "I really like spending time with you."

"Me too." She smiled. "I like you a lot."

"I like you too," you whispered and looked back at her. You bit your lip as your eyes locked before gazing at her lips. She placed her hand on your cheek and began to lean in. Your eyes closed when her lips were only inches away from your own.

You've been waiting for this. Your first date only ended with a kiss on your hand and cheek. You'd hoped tonight would lead to this.

But, somehow, when her lips hit yours, it seemed to be even more perfect than you imagined it being.

It was soft and slow. Her hand on your cheek, yours on her side. You felt the sparks fly, every piece beginning to fall into place. There were butterflies in your chest, your heart beating fast at first but becoming steady when you melted into the kiss; wishing that she'd never pull away.

But, only a moment later, she did. She pulled back slowly but didn't dare move away completely. She stayed close to you, so close her warm breath fanned against your lips.

"And here I was thinking that this night couldn't possibly be more perfect," you spoke softly, grinning from ear to ear as she brushed her fingers through your hair. "Then you kiss me under the stars and everything feels so..."

"Perfect?" She interrupted, pecking your lips softly after the word fell from her lips.


She fell onto her back, holding you close when you dropped your cheek to her shoulder and stared up at the sky again, but this time together.

You only hoped the night wouldn't end anytime soon, and something told you there'd be many more nights like these to come.

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now