mommy (requested)

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Irene tightened her arms around you a little more as you continued to sit on her lap on the sofa, lips moving passionately against yours.

Irene got home a couple of hours ago, but not alone - much to your dismay.

You absolutely adore the girls and you always enjoy hanging out with them but this evening was supposed to be the first one you and Irene got to share in what feels like forever.

You sat through a movie together before the girls got hungry and decided to leave.

Irene was hungry too, but not for food but rather for the taste of your lips, a craving for a steamy make-out with you at last.

And that sounded like the best way to spend some of your quality time together.

As you make out on the sofa, your arms are wrapped around her neck but you quickly felt the need to let your hands roam across her body.

And that feeling was mutual.

Irene started to pull at your shorts, untying the string that kept them up, and as you slipped your hands beneath your shirt to caress her skin, your shorts fell onto the floor.

You soon felt her laying you down on the sofa and she laid on you, so lost in the taste of your lips and your soft skin as her fingers brushed every inch.

You had something special up your sleeve tonight, something you desperately wanted to do to Irene; something you know she'll love.

And as she pulled away from your lips to start kissing your neck, she also started to brush her tongue against your skin, and her teeth, pulling out everything she can think of to try and drive you wild.

And it was working.

Because as soon as her lips brushed against that spot that always turns you into putty in her hands, right near your ear, one special word for Irene slipped from your lips.

"Mommy," You sighed as you closed your eyes.

Irene was shocked.

She looked at you with a look of surprise and you watched as a smirk tugged at her lips.

"Oh, you must really be enjoying this tonight, hm?"

You chuckled but that turned into a soft sigh as she went back to bringing you an intense rush of bliss, making your stomach fill with butterflies and causing your skin to tingle as her lips traveled.

"Say it again for me, darling."

How could you say no?

"Mommy," You said as you put your head back against the pillow.

She swore that every time you called her that, her need for you would intensify and her heart would hammer faster against her chest.

"Kiss me again." You whined and she just put her lips close to yours, smirking at you.

"Please?" She smirked.

"Please...?" You mumbled and furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as she shook her head, the smirk on her lips still there.

"No, no, y/n. You know better. You called me mommy once and now, you will keep calling me that."

Your heart leaped at the thought of that.

"Please, mommy,"

She grinned before kissing your lips softly, just as you wanted her to.

"I'll make you a deal, sweet girl. You keep calling me mommy and you'll get whatever your heart desires. We'll make out for however long you want. But only if you keep calling me mommy."


Well, you'd brought out a new side of your girl.

That one word was all it had taken.

That one name was enough to drive her wild.

But... were you complaining?


"Okay. You've got it, mommy."

She smirked again before she kissed you more feverishly.

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now