calling my girlfriend a friend prank (requested)

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"I don't want to get out of bed." You mumbled with your face buried in the pillows as Irene giggled and brushed her fingers across your back.

"You do because I'm treating you to lunch, my love." She said as she kissed the back of your neck. "It's our day together and I'm planning on spoiling you."

You hummed contentedly as she continued to pepper kisses across your skin, her nails gently brushing along your spine as she did so.

"Get out of bed, baby."

You turned onto your back as she pulled the blankets off of you and threw them down onto the floor at the foot of the bed, so you had no choice but to wake up.

"We're leaving in a few. So you better get up." She said as she walked into the bathroom, turning the light on just as you swung your legs over the bed to get up and ready.

But the sound of your phone ringing on the nightstand made you stop. You reached for it and noticed that it was someone that you recently befriended at work.

"Who is it, babe?"

"A friend. Don't worry, I won't be long and then I'll get ready to go." You promised and she nodded with a big smile on her face as she grabbed her toothbrush and began to brush her teeth.

"Hello?" You answered, greeted with the cheerful voice of the girl from your work. "Am I busy?"

You glanced over at Irene, able to feel her eyes on you as the words fell from her lips.

"No, not at all." You said and Irene rolled her eyes before she rinsed her mouth out.

"What am I doing today? Nothing, really. Just spending the day with a friend."

"What'd you just say, babe?" Irene asked as she started to make her way to you. "Did you just call me a friend?"


She grabbed your phone and tossed it against her pillow before gently pushing at your shoulders, making you fall onto your back against the mattress.

"Did I hear you correctly, baby? Is that what you said? Huh?" She asked as she hovered over you, a gleam in her eyes as a smirk tugged at her lips.

"Yes. But I can explain! It was just a-"

Before you could finish explaining to her that it was only a prank, she began to tickle your sides.

"A friend, baby? Me?" She teased, smiling a little as you laughed loudly every time her fingers brushed against your sides. "Look at how long we've been together, how in love we are! And that's what you tell your new friends I am? A friend?"

"Irene!" You laughed. "Stop it!"

"Not a chance, cutie." She smiled as she kissed your nose, her fingers now poking your sides playfully.

"I didn't mean it. It was just-"

"A prank. I know." She grinned. "I had a feeling that's exactly what it was. I'm on to you, baby. You've pulled a lot of pranks on me and I know you better than you think I do. I know you wouldn't actually tell someone I'm your friend when we love each other so much."

"Then why are you tormenting me for it?"

"Because it's fun." She said as she kissed your face. "You got to have your fun with the prank, now I get to have my fun."

You squirmed under her as she kissed your face repeatedly before she started to tickle your feet.


"Hmm..." She paused and stopped tickling you, although she continued to hold your right foot in her hand. "Say that you're sorry."

"I'm so sorry."

"Say that you love me."

"I love you lots!" You smiled up at her. "Now, will you stop tickling me?"

She pretended to think about it for a second before she shook her head at you.

"Nope." She said and then continued to tickle you, making you squirm under her once more.

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now