waking her with kisses

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You felt a rush of happiness when you felt Irene's arms wrap around you. Your eyes fluttered open and you realized it was morning when you felt the golden rays of the sun hit your eyes right away.

The time on the clock said that it was after nine am, nearing ten, and though you felt tired after you and Irene stayed up so late last night talking, you didn't want to go back to sleep.

It's been months since you've woken up like this. She's finally home from tour and you've been anticipating mornings and moments like these with her. Sleeping was truly the last thing you wanted to do when you've been missing her like crazy.

You could feel her warm breath fanning against your skin with every exhale that fell from her lips. Her arms were wrapped around you so tightly that you couldn't even leave the bed if you wanted to.

But why would you when you have all you really want right by your side right now?

You knew it wasn't gonna be easy but you wanted to see her face. After all, you've spent months apart and you missed waking up to see her face.

You slowly turned over and slowly reached up to cup her cheek in the palm of your hand. In response, she stirred a little and let out a soft sound before she cracked a smile.

She looked like an angel. With her hair fanned out against the pillow and her practically flawless skin. She looked too cute for words. Your heart completely melted. You felt so lucky to have her, to call her yours.

"I love you." You whispered ever so softly and couldn't resist the desire to kiss her cheek. When you did, she smiled again and your heart fluttered in your chest.

You leaned in to continue kissing her; letting your lips brush along her face to her neck, where you let your lips travel slowly along her delicate skin.

Soon, she was opening her big brown eyes and giggled from the affection you were spoiling her with.

"Good morning to you." She mumbled sleepily before rubbing her eyes to rid the sleep from them.

She stared at you with soft eyes that held an adoring gaze and your chest filled with butterflies at the sight.

"Good morning, lovely. Sorry, I woke you. You can go back to sleep. I know you're tired from being so busy on tour these last couple of months."

"Yeah, I am." She admitted before putting her arms around you and pulling you over so you'd lie on top of her, which allowed for her to feel every beat of your heart against hers. "But I don't wanna go back to sleep. I missed you. I wanna be with you."

"Are you sure?" You asked ad she just nodded before leaning for a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too." She said, sighing softly when you kissed across her jaw then across her face lovingly., "So very much."

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