stay with me (requested)

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Irene stood in the kitchen finishing her breakfast and sipping on some water as she scrolled through her phone.

She smiled to herself as she heard you coming downstairs and a second later, she felt your arms wrap around her as you hugged her from behind.

"Hi, baby." She said as she locked her phone and turned her neck to smile at you.

"Hi." You smiled as you closed your eyes, snuggling up to her.

You brushed your lips against her neck and held onto her tightly as she melted over your warm and comforting embrace.

Don't with her breakfast, she grabbed her bowl and went to put it in the sink, and with every step that she took, you continued to cling to her.

She couldn't help but giggle as you hummed against her shoulder, laying your cheek against it.

"My girl, you're a little clingy today." She said.

But in no way was she complaining.

Your eyes were closed and you could tell that she was smiling as the words left her lips.

"I just love you so much."

"I love you too, sweet girl." She said. "Give me a kiss, baby."

She turned around and smiled as you put your lips on hers, just as she wanted you to.

"I wish I could spend the whole day here with you. I'd love to just lay in bed and hold onto you and never let you go. I'd give you kisses and cuddles all day long."

"That sounds like the most perfect way to spend the day, Irene." You said. "That might be the definition of heaven."

She smiled again and kissed your lips lovingly.

"But I can't." She spoke against your lips.

"No." You whined and squeezed her tighter than before.

"I have work to do today, my love. I have to go."

"No. Stay with me." You said as you pouted at her.

"I wish I could." She said as she kissed your lips again.

"Fine. I'll just cling to you so you can't leave."

She chuckled as she brushed her hand across your back.

She tried to pull away a moment later to go and put on her shoes, but you didn't let her go.

"Baby," She laughed, pressing a soft kiss to your head. "I have to put my shoes on."

"Fine." You grumbled as you pulled away.

She left the room to go and slip her shoes on but you followed her and watched her.

And as soon as they were on, you put your arms back around her to cling to her again.

"I have to go, sweet girl." She said, feeling her heart swell with love for you.

"Please don't. Stay with me today."

"I'd love that more than anything but, unfortunately, I can't. I have to go to the studio. I've got work to do with the girls."

You looked sad as you looked into her eyes.

"I'll make it up to you, baby, I promise. When I get home, we'll cuddle and share kisses. I'm all yours when I get home, alright? And I won't be home late, I'll only be gone for a few hours."

"Okay." You agreed. "One kiss before you go, though?"

She smiled as she brushed her fingers across your cheeks before leaning in and stealing a kiss from your lips.

"You're my whole world. I love you so much." She said.

"I love you too, baby." You spoke against her lips.

She pulled away and grabbed her things before going to walk out the door, only to turn back around and give you a couple more kisses.

"Have a good day!" You said.

"You too, baby girl." She grinned before getting in her car and driving off for the day, leaving you feeling excited for her to return home.

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now