moved on (requested)

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Irene pushed the food on her plate around with the fork in her hand as she and the girls sat down in the restaurant and enjoyed a nice little lunch on their otherwise busy day.

She was quiet and a little caught up in her brain that just doesn't seem to calm down these days.

Not just because the girls are busy preparing for a comeback but also because you're always weighing on her mind, even all these weeks later after you parted ways.

You broke up almost three months ago but Irene still misses you.

Especially now, when her days are so long and busy.

You used to be there with her to cheer her up and cheer her on and although she's always had her four best friends to lean on through everything, it felt different when she had you to lean on when she needed some love and support most.

"Irene? Hello?" Wendy snapped her fingers in front of Irene's eyes, making her friend snap out of her thoughts.


"We were just talking to you, checking up on you," Yeri said.

"Yeah, we know you've been going through a lot. How are you feeling today?" Joy asked, brushing her fingers across Irene's arm in friendly comfort.

"I'm fine." She said, forcing a smile after the words finished falling from her lips.

Right after she finished speaking, she heard the door to the restaurant open and she lifted her head just in curiosity.

Her heart almost stopped when she saw your face.

The way her breath hitched and the way her eyes went wide made the girls all look where she was looking and they all gasped when they saw you walk inside and over to an empty booth across the room.

"That's Y/N?" Seulgi asked in shock, looking at the girls to see if they were seeing what she was seeing.

"Irene, you have to go talk to her!" Joy encouraged and Irene bit her lip as she looked from the girls and over to her. "I know you've missed her. Even if you don't get back together, wouldn't it be nice to be friends?"

Irene didn't like the last part of Joy's words so much but she agreed and decided to go and talk to you.

She wiped her lips with her napkin before putting it on the table.

She pushed away her chair and stood up.

Walking to you, her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest and her hands were shaking while her breathing was shaky.

She was so excited to see you after so long. She's missed you like crazy and seeing you here now feels so surreal.

She cleared her throat as soon as she stood in front of you. Her heart almost burst from her chest when you looked at her and sent her that sweet, familiar smile and those beautiful, sparkling eyes.


"Hey, y/n," she smiled as she nervously toyed with her fingers.

"It's so nice to see you!" You smiled and she nodded, feeling like your words were possibly the understatement of the year.

"It's been so long." She said and watched you nod your head. "C-Could I sit down? Maybe we can catch up a little and talk."

You parted your lips as if you were about to speak, but the door to the restaurant opening and the sound of footsteps trailing to you stopped you from saying whatever was on the tip of your tongue.

"Hi, baby. Sorry it took me so long to get here. Have you been waiting for long?" Some girl asked you and Irene watched with a look of heartbreak in her eyes as she watched the girl kiss your lips and, even worse, you kissed her right back, even smiling into the kiss.

Irene stared down at her feet as her heart began to ache in her chest.

Was this really happening?

First seeing you and now seeing you with someone else made it all feel so surreal that she thought she was dreaming.

"Oh, who is this?" The girl asked as she pulled away from your lips and finally noticed Irene standing there.

"This is Irene, she's my ex." You explained.

Of course, she knew this. Irene knew you were no longer together. Of course, you're exes. You have been for three months now.

But hearing the word fall from your lips as you introduce her to your new girlfriend hurt in a way that she couldn't express.

"Irene, this is my girlfriend."

You didn't have to say that. Irene had put all of the pieces of the puzzle together herself already. But she knew you were just trying to be friendly.

Because that's where you were in life now. You're ex's, trying to be friendly, as you move on.

As you move on.

She still can't bring herself to.

"Nice to meet you." Irene smiled as she fought back her tears and bit her lip to keep it from wobbling. "Oh, I have to get back to the girls. We have to get back to practice."

"Oh, okay. I'll see you soon?"

Irene shrugged her shoulders wordlessly as she walked away and over to the girls, who were waiting on Seulgi who went to pay the bill so they could get out of there before Irene broke down.

It was only a moment later when they left the restaurant and got into the car to take them back to the company and Irene sobbed as the girls hugged her tight.

"She's moved on!" Irene cried.

"We know." Wendy sighed as she rubbed Irene's back in comfort. "It's okay, Irene. Everything will be okay... someday soon."

It felt like it would be forever until everything felt okay again.

The pain in her heart was so intense as it hit her that you've moved on and she's not even close to being able to do that.

She didn't feel like everything would be okay.

She misses you so much and it hurts her so terribly to know that you don't miss her anymore.

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now