you have an allergic reaction (requested)

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"Here you go, my love," Irene smiled as she placed a plate of food on the table in front of you.

"Thank you so much. It looks amazing." You said before putting a bite of it into your mouth.

Today, you and Irene have joined the girls at Seulgi's place for dinner and to hang out.

They made some delicious foods and you've been so excited to try all of them.

The girls quickly joined you and Irene at the table, carrying plates of food and making conversation.

It felt so nice to be able to finally spend some time with everyone.

After all, you've become close to the girls after being with Irene for so long, and with everyone's schedules being so packed lately, finding time to hang out together hasn't been easy.

So you all planned to enjoy every second of today together.

But things wouldn't go the way you planned.

Because, the more you ate, the weirder you began to feel.

It only took a couple of minutes for your throat to start feeling funny.

You dropped your fork on your plate and started to clear it as it began to feel unusually tight.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Yeri asked.

Irene placed her hand on your arm as the girls stopped talking and eating and gazed at you with the same concern as your girlfriend and friend did.

"What's wrong, baby? What is it?" Irene asked as her eyes went wide.

You were struggling to breathe and the way you began to gasp for air made everyone panic.

"I-I can't breathe." You told Irene.

"Are you having an allergic reaction?" She asked before grabbing your fork and digging through the food on your plate. "There's no walnuts in anything, right?"

Wendy sank her teeth into her lip.

"The food I brought over contains walnuts. I completely forgot about her allergy!"

"Oh, my god!" Irene said. "Someone call for help!"

Joy grabbed her phone and immediately dialed the number for emergency services as the girls panicked.

"Baby? Baby, where's your EpiPen!?" Irene asked as she brushed a few stray hairs away from your sweaty skin.

You nodded towards your bag and Seulgi quickly grabbed it, since she was closest to it.

Since your reaction to walnuts is so serious, you always carry your EpiPen around, just to be on the safe side.

Dumping everything inside your bag onto the table instead of searching through it, Seulgi spotted your EpiPen and quickly handed it over to Irene.

"You're going to be okay, baby. Everything's going to be alright. Just breathe." Irene soothed as she placed the orange tip against your thigh.

Swinging the pen back, she firmly pushed it against your skin and it clicked.

She slowly counted to three as she held the needle still against your thigh and then removed it and put it aside for the time being.

"Good girl. You're doing good." She soothed as she kept her eyes locked with yours.

Your heart was racing, you still couldn't breathe, your lips and throat were swollen, and you felt faint.

But Irene felt relieved upon knowing that the EpiPen had been administered, knowing that it should at least help until the ambulance arrived.

Wendy, meanwhile, was in tears.

She felt so guilty for forgetting about your allergy.

"Help is almost here!" Joy said as she continued to speak to the operator.

Just then, you all heard the sirens, and everyone was able to breathe out a sigh of relief.

"You're going to be okay, my love. I promise." Irene said as she continued to comfort you, even as the paramedics pulled up.


Irene held your hand as she rode in the back of the ambulance with you.

The girls followed behind in Seulgi's car, all of them anxious and antsy to know that you'd be alright.

And when they got the news that you were going to be okay and they could go back and see you, they all rushed back to your room.

Everyone except for Wendy, who still felt terrible about the situation.

"Hey, darling? How are you feeling?" Irene asked as she reached your side.

"I've been better but I'll be alright." You said.

"We're so glad that you're okay. You scared the hell out of us!" Yeri said as she gave you a little hug.

Seulgi and Joy did the same while Wendy kept her head down.

"Wendy, it's okay." You said, making her lift her head. "It happens. You're not the first person to forget someone has an allergy."

"I should've remembered. If it hadn't been for me, you wouldn't be here." She sighed as she looked around the hospital room.

"It happens. I'm safe and I'm going to recover just fine. Don't beat yourself up so much. It was just an accident." You said.

She hurried over to you and gave you a huge hug, letting her tears fall.

"I swear, it won't ever happen again." She promised.

"I know." You assured before sending her a friendly smile.

"We're all just so happy that you're okay." Joy smiled as Irene brought your hand to her lips to give it a loving kiss.

And you breathed out a sigh of relief as you looked at her and the girls, feeling grateful as well that you were going to be just fine given some time.

You were truly very lucky and you wouldn't ever take another breath for granted.

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