she tickles you (requested)

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Lifting your head from Irene's shoulder, you giggled over the scene of the film that you and Irene were watching together before sitting up.

While keeping your eyes on the tv, you slowly reached your left hand out to grab the last slice of pizza on the table just as Irene did the same.

Her hand brushed against yours and you both turned your heads to look at each other.

"I'm still hungry." You said.

"So am I." She replied. "Well, it seems that we're at an impasse because there's only one slice left."

"No, we're not. Because I touched it first, so it's mine." You said before picking up the slice of pizza.

"Don't you dare eat that." She said and watched as you put the slice closer and closer to your lips. "Nope!"

She took the slice of pizza out of your hands and put it in the box.

"Irene, what are you doing?" You asked before she pushed you onto your back and began to tickle your sides.

"It's my slice of pizza. Say I can have it. I'm hungrier than you are."

"No, never!" You said through your laughter.

"Say it. Say it. Say it!" She said as a smile appeared on her face as you tried to push her hands away and rolled around a little as your stomach began to hurt from laughing so hard.

"Irene, stop it!" You laughed.

"Nope, no chance."

"Irene!" You threw your head back, tears now filling your eyes. "It tickles, quit it!"

"Say the slice of pizza is mine and then I'll stop." She smirked.

She was determined to have that slice of pizza all to herself because, truthfully, despite eating a couple of pieces already, she was still super hungry because she hadn't had the chance to eat yet today.


"Are you sure about that, baby girl?" She asked as she grabbed one of your sock-covered feet.

She knows that you're most ticklish on your feet.

"No, Irene, don't tickle my feet! Okay, fine, you win. It's yours!"

She pulled her hands back immediately and sat up before reaching for the last slice of pizza.

"Thank you very much." She said as you sat up.

She was about to take a bite of it when she saw the pout on your lips from the corner of her eye.

And so, to make things fair, she broke the slice apart as evenly as possible and passed one to you.

"There. Now it's fair." She said before scooting closer to you and pulling you back into her arms.

You kissed her cheek softly then began to eat your half.

You didn't tell her but you knew that this is the way it would end all along.

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now