she cheats (requested)

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"Irene? Babe, where are you?" You asked as you walked into your shared home, looking all around for your girlfriend.

You had a pretty rough day today and you were in desperate need of a comforting hug from her.

You wanted to feel, and hear, the steady beat of her heart and relish in the warmth of her embrace.

It's her day off. Her car is in the driveway and since it's still early in the afternoon, you thought you'd find her on the sofa with something on tv or in the kitchen cooking or eating something good.

But you didn't see her anywhere.

When you walked to the stairs, that's when you noticed something odd. It was a pair of shoes that didn't look familiar to you at all. They were beside Irene's.

You tried not to think too much of it.

You just thought that maybe she went and got some new shoes recently. It's what made the most sense to you.

You walked upstairs and at the top of the steps was a shirt thrown on the floor. It also didn't look familiar.

However, the one thrown on the floor close to it did.

That belonged to your girlfriend.

You recognized it right away. It's one of her favorites.

"Irene?" You called out and started to walk down the hall to your shared room, your heart pounding in your chest with every step that you took.

The door was open a crack and you peeked inside, your heart sinking deep down in your chest as soon as you saw the stranger in your bed with Irene.

Irene was hovering over some girl you didn't know.

Her lips were moving in perfect sync with the girls', the clothes they hadn't been in a hurry to take off on the way to the bedroom were on the floor.

They giggled and made out and tears filled your eyes at the sight.

You pushed the door open and instantly, they both stared at you.

Irene gasped and sat down on the bed, facing you as she covered herself with the sheet.

"Baby, you're home!"

You scoffed and turned your attention to the girl.

"I don't know who you are and I don't want to know. Get out of my house. Now!" You yelled loudly and pointed to the door, causing the girl to jump and grab her clothes before rushing out of the room and then the house a moment later.

"Y/N, I can explain-"

"Explain?" You yelled as you walked to the closet, grabbing a few bags.

You started to grab random things that belonged to you and threw them into the bags. Clothes, shoes, books, pillows, blankets, and anything else that caught your eye.

"What are you doing? Baby, where are you going?"

"I don't know! As far away from you as I can get! A hotel, a friend's place, to one of the girls' houses. I don't know. I just need to leave."

"No, darling, don't go. Please, hear me out and let me explain-"

"What do you mean explain? Irene, you were just in our bed with another girl! You were making out pretty heavily, clothes on the floor and across the house. Obviously, you were pretty impatient with each other. You were obviously very excited."

"No, y/n, she meant nothing to me!"

"You expect me to believe you when you say that? When I can tell otherwise?" You scoffed as you grabbed your bags. "We've been through so much together, Irene. I've always been here for you. I loved you-"

"And I love you."

"I said loved, Irene. I loved you. Past tense. I don't love cheaters. And also, if you really loved me, you wouldn't have done this! People don't hurt people they truly love like this, Irene!"

She hung her head as tears filled her eyes.

"I know it was wrong and I know it was stupid-"

"You know that now that I know what happened, right? Now that I've got my bags packed and I'm ready to walk out the door and I've made it clear I'm not staying with a cheater? Because if you knew it was wrong and stupid all along, why would you do it?"

She didn't say a word. She just stared at you with tears falling down her cheeks.

"I never want to see or hear from you again."

"What about your things? Like the things you can't pack in your bags."

"Someone will get them for me." You said as you walked down the stairs and to the door.

"I'm sorry!" She cried.

You slowly turned to face her and shook your head.

"You might be sorry, but I'm not. Thanks for showing me who you truly are. Sorry isn't going to make me forgive you. Nothing can. I'm done. Goodbye." You said as you walked out the door.

You threw your bags into the car and then got in and drove away as quickly as you could, never planning to turn back.

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now