break up prank (requested)

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Irene dragged her feet through the door, feeling absolutely exhausted and a little down after her hard day.

"Irene? Is that you?" You called out from upstairs in your shared bedroom and suddenly, Irene brightened up.

Her bad day got so much better, her mood so much brighter. She was so excited to see you and she felt so thankful that she's got you to come home to on days like this.

She rushed up the stairs and put her things on the floor. Her smile was wide but it fell faster than ever before when she saw you folding up some of your clothes to put into your suitcase on the bed.

"Hey, baby. What are you up to?"

"Packing." You mumbled.

"Yeah, I can see that." She chuckled nervously.

She didn't know exactly what was happening but just the thought of you leaving to go somewhere broke her heart. Even if you left to just go on a trip for a few days, she'd miss you like crazy.

"But why?"

"I'm leaving." You responded.

"For a trip or something? How long are you going to be gone?" She asked as she walked up behind you and put her arms around you to hug you from behind.

"No. I'm leaving, Irene. For good. I won't be coming back."

Those words absolutely terrified her.

Right away, it felt like the world stopped spinning.

You thought she'd let you go, unwrap her arms from around you, and probably tangle her fingers in her long locks as she paced the room. She does that every once in a while when she feels overwhelmed.

But to your surprise, she tightened her grip on you. Not nearly tight enough to hurt you, she'd never do that. Just tight enough to keep you in her arms.

"I don't understand. What happened? Did I do something wrong?"

"No." You sighed. "I just need to get away for a while."

She felt her heart sink.

"You need to get away for a while? From me?"

That's when she let you go. She sat on the bed and buried her face in her hands.

"This is so out of the blue. It's so unlike you, y/n. You seemed so happy. You just told me a few days ago that you've never been happier."

She swallowed the lump in her throat and took in a shaky breath as the tears welled up in her eyes.

"After all we've been through? Look how much we've overcome together. We've overcome people's opinions, hatred, any obstacles people put in our way over the almost two years we've been together. You just want to throw everything away? Just like that?"

You froze when you heard the crack in her voice when she spoke the last few words. She was crushed.

She stood up, suddenly snatching the clothes right from your hand and throwing it aside.


She didn't say a word. She threw her arms around you, giving you the biggest hug she's ever given you before. She laid her cheek on your shoulder and started to cry.

"Please don't leave me. Please, y/n. Whatever we've gotta do, I'll do. But you're all I have at the end of the day." She cried as she clutched your shirt in her hands. "You can't go. I can't lose you. You're the only one I know I can trust. You're the only one I want to be with for the rest of my life, the only one I want to grow old with. We've got so much we wanted to do together. Please don't go. I love you."

You put your arms around her and dropped your chin on her shoulder.

"I'm not going anywhere."

She pulled away from your shoulder, a smile on her face despite the tears in her eyes.

"Really? You promise."

"I promise. I wasn't leaving in the first place. It was just a prank."

Her smile fell again, turning into a frown.


"I don't know." You sighed. "I guess I didn't think it'd go this far. I didn't think it'd turn out this way. I'm sorry. I didn't think it through and I should've."

"You're forgiven." She said and smiled a little, although it was sorta sad. "I love you. Please don't do that again. It scared me a lot."

"I won't. Trust me, I regret pulling it in the first place. It won't happen again."

She nodded and gave you a kiss before pulling you into her arms. This time, it was you laying your head on her shoulder as she hugged you close.

But it wasn't all over.

Just because she forgave you and you promised no more pranks, she didn't.

Because she was already plotting her revenge, wanting you to have a taste of your own medicine.

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now