waking you with kisses

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Irene couldn't help but squirm a little when she awoke to the feeling of your warm breath tickling her skin. She opened her heavy eyes, only to close them again when the sunlight coming through the curtains hit them.

She looked over at the clock, nearly jumping out of her skin when she saw the time, but calmed down only seconds later when she remembered that today is her day off.

She surely felt thankful for that; because you were in her arms with your face buried in her neck and she found herself relaxing from your warmth and the way you clung to her.

She looked down at you and her heart raced when she saw how cute you looked sleeping on her chest. It's not the first time she's woken up with you in her arms, but it is the first time in a while. Everything has been so busy lately, so she always cherishes the time she gets to spend with you.

She reached down to caress your cheek lovingly and she smiled to herself when you instinctively leaned into her touch. She brushed her thumb beneath your lower lip, heart swelling in her chest with the love it holds for you.

Unable to resist, she leaned down to lay a kiss on your cheek. Although still asleep, the brush of her lips on your skin still caused a smile to appear on your face.

She went to lay one on your other cheek, but you rolled out of her arms and into the spot behind her. A few soft sounds escaped your lips and your eyelashes fluttered against your cheeks, but only for a few seconds before you drifted back off to sleep.

She let out a sigh and listened to the birds singing outside the window. Although she still felt tired and wanted to let you sleep, she also wanted to spend the day with you. It's the first one she's had off in a long while and she wants to spend every second of it by your side!

She laid her face by yours against your pillow. She reached to brush a lock of hair behind your ear that tickled your skin with every breath you took. She brushed her thumbs along your cheeks, relishing in how soft and warm your skin felt against the pads of her thumbs.

She kissed your cheek again, but this time she also kissed your other one, too.

Her warm, soft lips trailed down to your own. She planted kiss around your lips, kissing the corners and below them, before she leaned in to finally capture your lips with her own.

But a little hum from your lips came before she could. She looked up at you to find you gazing down at her with soft eyes. You stretched your arms over your head and then your legs, squeezing your eyes shut as the sun hit them much too soon for your liking.

"You're awake?" She whispered softly before kissing across your face lovingly. Closing her eyes for a second, she basked in the sound of your giggle. It was joyous, like music to her ears. It filled her heart with love.

"Yes!" You giggled, squirming beneath her as she trailed her lips along your face.

"Good. Because it's time to wake up! It's my day off and I want to spend every second of it with you!"

"Can't we spend it sleeping?" You whined, although only playfully. Because she could tell that even though you were pouting, your eyes still sparkled.

"No. I wanna spend it watching a bunch of cozy movies and giving you lots of love and kisses."

Although that made your pout disappear, she made sure it was completely faded by kissing it away. A couple of soft pecks here and there before she felt you smile against her lips and she couldn't help but wrap her arms around your neck to bring you in for a sweet morning kiss.

"I like the sound of that."

"Me too, beautiful." She spoke softly then put her head on your shoulder, breathing out a sigh of contentment and closing her eyes as she heart leaped in her chest as she looked forward to the day ahead with you.

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now