she finds you cuddling the plushie she bought for you (requested)

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"Y/N? Baby, I'm home. Are you still awake?" Irene called out as she made her way down the hall to the bedroom.

She didn't hear you call out in response to her so she figured that you were sleeping.

And couldn't blame you.

It's after one am and she knows that you had a busy day yourself, so she wasn't surprised that you were most likely exhausted.

She's exhausted too and all she wants is to crawl under the covers and hold you in her embrace as you both get some much-needed rest.

She entered the bedroom and quietly entered the bathroom, where she changed into her pajamas and took off her makeup for the night.

She exited the bathroom a few minutes later and made her way over to your side of the bed.

Sitting down at the edge of it, she took a moment to admire how adorable you looked as you slept.

And it wasn't just you sleeping that warmed her heart, but rather what she saw in your arms.

Clutched to your chest, you had the stuffed bear that Irene bought you held tightly against you.

She reached out and brushed her fingers across the fluffy teddy bear, remembering just how happy you were the night she came home with it for you.

You cherish it so much, rarely ever letting it out of your sight.

It means a lot to you since it came from your girl and it makes Irene so happy to see how much you love it.

Irene's heart swelled with love as she sat there, falling even more in love with you than she already was.

"My sweet girl," She whispered as she leaned in and softly kissed your forehead. "I love you so much."

She brushed a strand of hair behind your ear and a soft sound left your lips from her touch as you slept.

You cracked a small smile in your sleep, warning her heart even more.

She pulled out her phone and snapped a picture of you, immediately setting it as her lock screen.

"Sleep tight, angel." She said and kissed your forehead once more.

You shifted around in your sleep, holding your teddy even tighter, and she smiled brightly at the sight.

She crawled under the covers beside you a second later and laid her cheek on your shoulder before putting her arms around you.

"Sweet dreams." She whispered before drifting off to sleep, so in love with you that it was absolutely indescribable.

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now