she carries you to bed

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Irene's eyes opened slowly and a tiny smile tugged at her lips when she felt you stir with your head comfortably resting on her lap.

She was surprised to find the room entirely lit up, and even more so that neither of you was in the comfort of your bed but rather downstairs on the sofa where you fell asleep hours ago during a movie.

She wasn't all that surprised that you both fell asleep down here though, considering today was the first day you've been able to spend together in weeks.

You've both been incredibly busy, so the comfort you found in each other as the lack of sleep you've both experienced lately caught up to you, you just fell right asleep without a second thought.

But now it's nearing two in the morning and you've both got busy days ahead. Sleeping on the couch wasn't the best idea, since you wouldn't get a good night's sleep there together like you would in bed.

Irene stared down at you with stars in her eyes, admiring you as you slept like an angel on her lap. She tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, making you stir once more.

"Y/N? Baby, wake up."

"No," you mumbled, too sleepy to even think about waking up or moving from where you rested.

"Babe, we can't sleep on the sofa all night. Let's go up to bed. It's not far and you can go right back to sleep."

You didn't respond.

You were already fast asleep again.

Irene sighed and stroked your cheek for a minute before she gently moved your head as she stood up. She gently laid it on the cushion before she did her best to lift you up without waking you.

Once she got you in her arms, she made her way to the stairs. She turned off all the lights before she began climbing the stairs, slowly and carefully.

You stirred again and managed to open your heavy eyes to find her staring down at you adoringly.

"It's okay, y/n. I've got you, baby. Go back to sleep." She said and watched your eyes close once more, just as she reached the top step.

She padded down the hallway and then across the bedroom floor until she reached the bed. She pulled the covers back and gently laid you down with a kiss on your forehead.

You smiled a little and opened your eyes again.

"Hey, pretty girl. Did I wake you again?"

"No." You yawned. "Thank you for carrying me to bed. I love you lots."

She climbed into bed beside you with the brightest smile on her face, despite her tired eyes.

"I love you even more." She said and covered the both of you up with the blanket as you laid your head on her chest and listened to her heartbeat.

"Sweet dreams."

"You too, sweet girl." She smiled and kissed your head lovingly. "Goodnight."

She watched you drift off to sleep once more before she put her head back and began to do the same with a flutter in her heart as she looked forward to another amazing day with you soon.

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now