moaning in my girlfriend's ear to see her reaction (requested)

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"Irene? Are you feeling okay?" You asked your girlfriend when you noticed how down she seemed as she laid in bed beside you.

She just arrived home and after giving you a sweet kiss, she got into a hot shower in hopes that her worries would be washed away and she'd start to relax.

But she still seemed down about something.

Although you know she's not going to be all smiles all of the time considering all she has to go through, you'd hoped that she'd come out of the shower feeling a little happier since she has the day off tomorrow to spend with you.

"I'm okay." She said and sent you a small smile, which, thankfully, seemed to grow and brighten when you climbed onto her lap and wrapped your arms around her neck.

"I know how to cheer you up!"

"Yeah? How?" She asked, clearly intrigued over that gleam in your eyes and the way you bit your lip as you looked at hers.

You began to kiss down her jaw. She instantly melted, tilting her head back so you'd kiss her even more.

You marked her neck a little by sinking your teeth into her skin, causing a blissful hum to fall from her lips.

You brushed your lips against that sweet spot on her neck, which took her by surprise. She moved her hands to your thighs as you kissed your way to her ear, kissing behind it and below it.

She was in euphoria and instinctively squeezed your thighs and, in response, you let her name slip from your lips.

"Irene," you moaned into her ear, causing Irene to gasp in surprise.

You pulled away slowly to see her reaction. Her eyes were wide and her mouth hung open in shock. In all the time you've been together, she's never heard you do that.

At least not directly into her ear or so loudly, so passionately.

"Oh, baby, please do that more often." She whined, almost begging.

To tease her a little, you moved your lips back to her ear and did it again.

"You're being a little mischievous, huh?" She chuckled as her fingers slipped beneath your shirt and danced along your spine.

"It's going around online and I figured I'd do it now to help make your stresses ease. Did it cheer you up?"

"You know it did, baby girl. You're so... hot." She said as she scrunched her nose up with a smile and hooked her finger under your chin to pull you in for a passionate kiss.

"I love you so much." She whispered into the kiss.

"I love you more." You spoke against her lips and your breath hitched before her name slipped from your lips in yet another moan as she squeezed your thighs again.

She grinned against your lips. She'd done it on purpose this time and the thought filled your chest with butterflies.

Now that she's heard her name slip from your lips like that, she just can't seem to get enough of it.

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