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"Why didn't you stop the hulk? He was under the same mental manipulation as the others," Dr. Raynor looks at me expectantly.

I sigh rubbing my hand over my forehead. "It's not that simple. Trying to go into someone's mind and pull them from whatever nightmare they are facing, that takes time. If I rushed it I could have shattered their minds, trapping them in that nightmare." I pause and look out the window, "This was my first time attempting anything to this degree. And not everyone wants you messing around in their head." I grimace at the memories this brings up. "I do my best to avoid prying but information naturally comes forward. Most of it is feelings, not actual thoughts anyways but still, after you're in someone's head they don't trust you, they think you manipulated them, placed lies and thoughts in their heads, made them do things they never wanted." I'm not talking about the team and Raynor picks up on this too.

"Them being Bucky." Dr. Raynor puts forward and I echo the words back to her. Dr. Raynor puts her pen down for a moment. "You did manipulate Bucky mentally. While you did it, in your opinion to help him, or did it because Hydra made you. That is something he will have to work out, not you."

I don't answer Dr. Raynor and instead look back out the window.

She tries to get us back on track. "So the team took a major hit, you can't return to Avengers tower. Where do you go? What happens next Magdalene?"


Clint's home is quiet. His wife and his kids are sweet. Especially his kids. They are fascinated by my wings and most of the afternoon I spend lifting them a couple of feet off the ground and flying around with them in the large yard.

The rest of the team needs space, no one wants to talk, especially not to me. They don't know how much I saw in their heads, so it makes sense. I'm happy enough to give them space for now.

Eventually Tony comes and finds me as I'm sitting underneath a tree in the field. "Well Feathers, you certainly know where to hide."

I look up at him, squinting in the afternoon sun. "It's an open field Tony and I have giant wings, people just have to pay attention."

"Come on I have someone who wants to meet you." Tony starts walking towards an old barn.

Who could I possibly have to meet, we are in the middle of nowhere. Entering the barn it's dark and dusty. A man in all black with an eyepatch and beanie is waiting.

"Magdalene, or should I call you Throne? I'm Nick Fury." The man says sitting down on a bale of hay, he gestures for me to do the same.

I sit cautiously. "No one has called me Throne since-"

He cuts me off. "Since your days with Hydra as an omen working along side the winter soldier. I was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. back when that was a thing. But that's not why I'm here. Take this," he hands me a small flash drive. "it's everything I could pull on your history and that of the winter soldier. Once this is all over maybe it will help you make some sense of things."

I stare at the tiny drive in the palm of my hand. Before I can say thank you Fury speaks up again, "Now miss de Laytha I believe food should be ready."

As I follow Fury I finally put together what he said. My name is Magdalene de Laytha.

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