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"Can I see your ID?" The officer asks.

"I don't have ID. Why?" Sam tells him as the two officers start to circle around us.

"Man seriously?" Bucky adds in.

"Okay, sir, just calm down." The officer tells him.

"I am calm. What do you want? We're just talking." Sam tells him.

A crowd is starting to gather and I shift my feet.

"Just give him your ID so we can leave." Bucky tells Sam.

"No. I'm not giving him shit we're just talking." Sam argues.

"Is he bothering you?" The officer asks Bucky and myself.

"No he's not bothering me. Do you know who this is?" Bucky raises his voice annoyed at the officer and the situation.

The other older officer whispers something to the one talking to us and his eyes widen in recognition and embarrassment. "Oh god, I am so sorry Mr. Wilson. I didn't recognize you without the goggles. I'm really, really sorry about this." He apologizes sheepishly.

A second car pulls up. "Guys. Just wait here okay?" The officer goes over to the police car.

"We didn't tell anybody because he had already been through enough." Bucky tells Sam quietly.

"When we found out he was alive, we talked about it. Decided it was best to just leave him be." I add.

The officer walks back over, "Mr. Barnes. There's a warrant out of your arrest."

"Look, the president pardoned him for all that." Sam starts out.

"Not for that." The officer interrupts. "You missed your court-mandated therapy. It's like missing a check-in with your PO. I'm sorry Mr. Barnes you're under arrest."

Bucky glanced at us before going to cop car and allowing them to handcuff him.

"Shit." I tell Sam pulling out my phone. "I better call Raynor."

"Who's Raynor?" Sam asks me.

"Our therapist. We share one because someone decided it was easier for them than doing more paperwork." I tell him as I scroll through my fairly short contact list.

"And why aren't you getting arrested?" Sam asks me.

"Because I made plans. I told Raynor I wouldn't be able to make it before I knew Bucky would be joining us in Munich. I'm supposed to see her tomorrow." I explain. "At least one of us is responsible." I mutter to myself.

We follow along to the station. And sit in the waiting area. I don't know how much good telling Raynor can actually do for Bucky. After a couple of hours she shows up.

Raynor walks up to the two of us, "Sam. I've heard a lot about you. I'm Dr. Raynor. I'm James's and Magdalene's therapist."

"So nice to meet you. Thank you for getting him out." Sam says as they shake hands.

I nod. "Hi doc."

"That was not me, she may have called me but I don't have that authority." Dr. Raynor tells him.

"Then who-" I'm cut off by Walkers voice.

"Christina!" Walker shouts out. "It's great to see you again."

"Shit." I mutter.

"You gotta be kidding me. You know him?" Sam asks her.

"Yeah, we did some field ops back in the day." Dr. Raynor explains.

Well this is just fantastic.

"I heard you were working with Bucky and this one, so I thought I'd step in. They're not gonna be following a strict schedule any longer." Walker says glancing between the three of us.

"We haven't finished our work. Who authorised this?" Dr. Raynor asks him.

"Um." Walker gestures to himself giving a cheeky smile. "They're too valuable of assets to have tied up. So just do whatever you got to do with them, him especially, then send them off to me. Go some unfinished business, him and I. You too, Wilson, de Laytha. I'll be outside." He walks off.

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