Standing sentry

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"Magdalene how long were you in Wakanda for?" Dr. Raynor asks me.

I think back, "Roughly a year. I remember there being some issues around T'Challa's coronation, but at that point Shuri had figured out a way to reverse what hydra had done to Bucky and we took time in Wakanda to just enjoy the peace."

"Now, your dependence on Barnes, on his safety. That isn't the same as it is now. From what you've told me, you were obsessive, to the point of yet again becoming an international criminal just to save him." Dr. Raynor points out.

"Things did change. But that wasn't for a while. The blip, it affected all of us." I pause for a minute. "Before that there was good times."

"Now how long did Barnes stay in cryostasis? What did you do during that time period?" Dr. Raynor asks.


"How long do you plan to stand there?" Shuri walks into the room.

"I can't let him get hurt again." My voice is hoarse.

"No one is going to hurt him. The rest of the worlds governments are nowhere near as advanced as our own." Shuri crosses her arms. "It has been five days, standing sentry isn't going to fix him. You have not left for a moment, do you know how hard it was to fix your wings? They will never heal if you don't rest and where will that leave us? All of my hard work, down the drain!" Shuri stares as I don't say anything back. Sighing she walks up to me, "If you go and rest and heal, by the time you are better I will have figured out a way to fix your broken white boy. I promise. But you have to do it my way."

"The last time someone promised me they would help me keep him safe, they tried to kill us both." I say sarcastically.

Shuri gestures to herself, "Do I look like I could kill you? No? But if you don't rest even a dog could beat you in a fight."

She has a point. "I'll sleep here then." I say.

"No. I set up a room for you, you haven't even seen it! Come with me." She starts to drag me out of the room and I give in and follow.

"Eventually I assume you two will want somewhere quiet but until then, tada." She throws open the double doors to a room. Well it's more of suite. "I made sure everything could accommodate your wingspan. There are new clothes, and we put all of both of your things in here." I look over and see Buckys black backpack sitting on a counter along with our now clean old clothes.

"I'll get some rest then, thank you Shuri." I give her a polite smile and she seems pleased with herself.

Shuri walks out shutting the doors behind her. The first thing I do is go to our things. The black notebook I took from Buckys apartment is with my things and I pick up his backpack carrying it over to the bed and dumb the contents out.

I sit cross legged on the bed and begin to flip through the items. There's about a dozen notebooks and I add the one I took to the collection. There isn't much else in the backpack. Some spare pencils and a change of clothes. I take the hoodie and hug it to my chest. It would be horrible if I looked at these notebooks wouldn't it? Maybe just a peak. I pick up one and then another, each one is a collection of memories. Things remembered from his life both before hydra and during. But I'm absent in all the journals. Except for one. Amid the mix of journals, the one I had taken from his apartment was a collection of how Bucky saw things between us. I begin to actually read this one.

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